The 2023 Imperial College Research Fellowship (ICRF) call (for fellowships starting between 1 August and 1 December 2024) has an application deadline of Monday 21 August 2023.  Applicants should read all the information provided and contact with any questions. 


Career stage

It is anticipated that applicants will be at the early stages of their research career and be able to demonstrate the potential to establish research independence. Candidates are expected to have no more than four years of post-doctoral research experience. Extensions to this time period will be considered in circumstances that support our commitment to diversity, a positive research culture and non-traditional career paths.

Duration of funding Four years fixed
Level of funding

In most cases, salary will be offered at point 17 of the Imperial College London Research pay scale, in the Research Associate salary band (22/23 salary for this grade, based in London, was £43,093 per annum).  In exceptional circumstances, candidates may negotiate a higher starting salary, within the Research Associate salary band.  Pay and progression will be in line with College pay and recognition policies. Up to £30,000 (or £45,000 if fully justified by the nature of the research) total toward research and travel costs.


Bespoke career development and cohort activities.  In terms of work-life balance, we offer a range of staff benefits, including a generous holiday leave allowance, enhanced Maternity/ Shared Parental Leave provision at up to 18 weeks of full-pay, opportunities for hybrid working, access to professional and confidential help from the College's Employee Assistance Provider Confidential Care, a College-wide Parents’ Network and advice and support on childcare and eldercare through My Family Care.

Summary of the table's contents

Information for applicants

Imperial strives to ensure the diversity of our candidates, and we reflect this ethos in the way we promote the ICRF programme and in our recruitment and selection process. We believe that diversity not only benefits Imperial but that it positively helps the sector to better represent the communities that we serve. To that end, we encourage applications from people from a diverse range of backgrounds.

The ICRF scheme supports the College's Academic Mission.  Fellows are expected to contribute to the development of Imperial's Academic Strategy Academic Strategy and cross-cutting sub-themes.

  • Candidates should have a PhD. In exceptional cases, applicants applying to the Faculty of Engineering and Imperial College Business School are permitted to apply before the submission of the PhD. For applications to the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Faculty of Medicine, a PhD must have been submitted before an application is made. In all cases, the PhD must be awarded before the start of the fellowship.
  • Candidates are expected to have no more than four years of post-doctoral research experience (calculated from the PhD viva date to the application deadline). Extensions to this time period will be considered in circumstances that support our commitment to diversity, a positive research culture and non-traditional career paths. Candidates should contact should they wish to discuss further. 
  • By way of context, this opportunity is equivalent to the Leverhulme Trust’s Early Career Fellowship, EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellowship and Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowship schemes. Candidates who hold or have held relatively early post-doctoral fellowships (such as the EPSRC Doctoral Prize) are eligible to apply but it is not expected that candidates will have previously held intermediate level fellowships, such as an EPSRC Early Career Fellowship or an MRC Career Development Award. Note that if a candidate does or did hold a lectureship, they will be deemed ineligible on the basis that they have already met the end goal of this opportunity.
  • Imperial is one of the world’s most international universities and almost 60% of our current ICRFs have non-UK nationality.  ICRF candidates can thus be UK nationals or international applicants. Those who are not automatically entitled to work in the UK can find a guide to visa information on Imperial’s Human Resources Immigration webpages and you will, of course, be required to provide evidence of your eligibility to work in the UK before commencing any fellowship offered.

  • Fellowships must be based at Imperial College London (any of its campuses) or at fieldwork locations. If an ICRF is taking up the opportunity to spend up to 12 months visiting other research institutions and/or in industry; evidence must be provided to reflect each partner’s willingness to host the fellow. 
  • There are no obligatory teaching duties associated with these fellowships. However, if desired, such duties can be negotiated with the host department.  Fellows may also co-supervise PhD student(s) while undertaking this fellowship. Fellows are advised to speak with their sponsor to discuss the value of and potential for such opportunities. 
  • Fellows are expected to have obtained any necessary licences and regulatory approvals prior to the start of the fellowship (or at the very latest before the relevant work is started). 
  • Fellows are provided with a tailored programme of support, career development and cohort activities via the Postdoc and Fellows Development Centre, and are expected to engage with these opportunities. 
  • Fellows are encouraged to apply for additional sources of funding to allow them to further build their research programme. 
  • At the end of the fellowship, fellows are expected to be able to show that they have the potential to be an independent leader in their area of research and have the skills and experience to apply for more advanced (intermediate level) funding schemes, such as the Royal Society University Research Fellowship. 

Applications must be supported by a sponsor who is a senior, permanent member of staff within the Academic or Research Families at Imperial. Honorary members of staff are not eligible to be sponsors.

  • Sponsors (and co-sponsors) are limited to supporting a single fellowship application in each competition and may sponsor (or co-sponsor) only one ICRF at any one time.
  • Sponsors may be full-time or part-time members of staff.  If the sponsor is employed part-time, the candidate must enlist the support of a second sponsor, so that they will have access to full-time sponsorship support.
  • Where an interdisciplinary project is proposed, it is possible to include additional sponsors but there is a requirement for a lead sponsor.
  • Applicants from Imperial are required to move from their existing sponsor/supervisor to a new sponsor for their ICRF, to increase both their independence and their breadth of experience. Further, candidates must not select a sponsor (or co-sponsor) who has had a supervisory role in their career (post-PhD). 

Sponsors will be required to commit to and fulfil the obligations listed on the Information for sponsors webpage with the support of their host department.

Sponsors are not obliged to accept a request for support.  If they choose not to support a potential applicant, it is at the sponsor’s discretion if they choose to give feedback

Opportunities for external co-sponsorship

Opportunities exist for co-sponsorship by staff members based at The Francis Crick Institute. The Francis Crick Institute Co-sponsor Details form is required to be submitted with your application.


AI in Science Theme within the Imperial College Research Fellowship programme

Applicants can nominate their fellowship to be within the AI in Science Theme and obtain support from Schmidt Futures. Successful candidates will have the title Imperial College Research Fellow supported by Schmidt Futures.

A deep knowledge of AI is not a pre-requisite. These fellowships have the aim of identifying excellent researchers and accelerating them in using AI to advance and disrupt Science or Engineering. Please see the AI in Science Theme Remit below for a detailed description of what is expected.

Applicants interested in becoming an ICRF supported by Schmidt Futures and joining the AI in Science cohort will need to indicate this in their application.  They must fill out the additional AI in Science form indicating their awareness of the requirements associated with support from Schmidt Futures (as listed in this current section) and their suitability for the programme.

 AI in Science Theme Remit

‘AI’ is interpreted very broadly, that is including topics in Bayesian Inference and Robotics, with ‘Science’ covering any typical topic in Natural Science and Engineering. More detail on topics falling within the remit is found in the AI in Science guidance FAQs.

These posts are not suitable for research into generic AI with general application - candidates must be aiming to substantially advance a particular area of science. Applicants could view themselves as AI researchers tackling a particular piece of Science or Science researchers using AI to transform their area. A deep knowledge of AI is not a precondition for this fellowship: only an appreciation of the need for AI and a willingness for skill acquisition in AI.

It is anticipated that Schmidt Futures support for ICRFs within the AI in Science Theme could be allocated in the Faculties of Medicine, Natural Sciences and Engineering, with up to three fellowships being supported.

Cohort and Location

ICRFs supported by Schmidt Futures will join the cohort of ~25 Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Postdoctoral Fellows. They will be co-located within Imperial’s new interdisciplinary AI campus, I-X, and alongside other AI researchers including from across Imperial’s faculties and departments. 

ICRFs supported by Schmidt Futures will have close ties with the group(s) of their sponsor(s) and will also be assigned an academic buddy (in addition to their sponsor) drawn from the I-X faculty, to assist in integration into I-X. Fellows have their own support staff, coffee morning, seminar series, symposium and series of social events.


The I-X Centre for AI in Science  is Imperial’s new flagship interdisciplinary campus devoted to AI and its applications. It is located within Imperial’s Translation and Innovation Hub (I-HUB) at White City and I-X hosts academics from across Imperial’s departments and faculties. Its aim is to bring together interdisciplinarity, AI and grand challenges. 

Training and Development

Training and Development is a key part of the ICRFs supported by Schmidt Futures, whether helping an AI expert master a scientific topic or a scientific topic expert advance their AI skills. The fellows will join a unique co-located cohort of top scholars with tailored training and one-on-one career development.  The fellows will have a dedicated Career Development Consultant and a dedicated Senior Teaching Fellow. Emphasis is also placed on skill sharing between the fellows. Successful candidates are expected to -

  • develop a training and career development plan upon arrival; and
  • develop and present a two hour mini course in an AI topic of their choosing.

Kindness, Outreach and Low and Middle Income Country (LMIC) Engagement

Our cohort places an emphasis on kindness among scientists and kindness to others. The ICRFs supported by Schmidt Futures provide a unique opportunity for outreach and LMIC engagement. We are enthusiastic about outreach and engagement in our local community and support our fellows in this direction.  The fellowship includes a commitment to deliver their mini course either within the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences network or the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (Trieste); these support researchers in a range of fields outside Mathematics and Physics.

Departmental Participation

Candidates who are suitable for an ICRF supported by Schmidt Futures should indicate in their application if the programme appeals to them, and that they wish to be considered as such.  Please be aware that some departments are only supporting ICRFs supported by Schmidt Futures and thus the AI in Science Theme, whereas others will support applicants whether or not they are selected for support from Schmidt Futures. Unless specified otherwise, departments will accept applications to all topics covered in their research areas. Further departmental details are available under the 'Imperial Departments and Key Contacts' section below. Applicants should carefully consider their choice of department and sponsor, and make contact with the relevant department if they wish to confirm that their choice of subject area will be considered for funding.

Further Questions

If you have general questions on the ICRF programme, including on the application process for the ICRFs supported by Schmidt Futures under the AI in Science Theme, please contact

If you have specific questions on the AI in Science Theme remit, then please contact Eileen Boyce, Eric and Wendy Schmidt AI in Science Centre Manager,


Applicant briefings (optional but recommended)

The Postdoc and Fellows Development Centre (PFDC) have delivered the ICRF briefings, designed to help candidates prepare their applications, for this year's call. A recording is available for those who could not attend.  External candidates should contact Dr Ines Perpetuo, Consultant for Postdocs and Fellows Development for access. Internal candidates should be able to access the recording here.  Please contact Dr Ines Perpetuo if you experience problems with access to the recording.

Step 1:  Contact proposed sponsor and proposed host department

Candidates interested in applying are required to contact their proposed sponsor and proposed host department as early as possible, to discuss their intention to apply and to obtain information about any additional departmental deadlines and local processes. All applications made to the ICRF scheme will require departmental approval, and so early contact will also give departments the opportunity to consider and prepare for providing this approval. Candidates should refer to the departmental information below (Imperial Departments and Key Contacts) for more information.

Step 2:  Prepare and submit application

Applications must be submitted via the Imperial Jobs website (ref: NAT01434).  The following forms will be required as part of your application.  The Department approval obtained in Step 1 must be recorded on the ‘Research Proposal and Budget’ form.‌

Candidates are encouraged to write in the first person.

Additional forms that must be uploaded as required:

Where it is justified in the application, fellows may spend up to twelve months in total visiting other research institutions and/ or in industry including overseas; the maximum time spent at any one institution being six months. Where this is requested, evidence must be provided to reflect each partner's willingness to host the fellow and uploaded as a Research Collaborator letter of support. Exceptionally, if a co-sponsor is based at The Francis Crick Institute then the full twelve months can be spent there and the partner's willingness to host is covered by the specific additional form (Francis Crick Institute Co-sponsor Details).

Step 3: Confidential reference letters

  • Each application must be supported by two confidential reference letters. These are mandatory.
  • ⁠One reference letter must be from the applicant's current institution. Where the current institution is Imperial, the letter must be provided by someone other than the proposed sponsor or proposed host Head of Department.
  • The second reference letter should be from a referee who is well-placed to comment on the applicant's current abilities as a researcher. 
  • As these letters are confidential, they must be submitted directly by the referees to the ICRF Office ( by 23:59 (BST) on 21 August 2023. Letters will then be paired with the relevant application by the ICRF Office.
  • Applicants should use the relevant section of the Applicant Details form to provide the names of the referees, to aid the ICRF Office when matching the letters and application. 

As part of our research culture, the College is a proud signatory to the San-Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), which means that in hiring and promotion decisions we evaluate applicants on the quality of their work, not the journal impact factor where it is published. More information is available on the research evaluation webpage.

The ICRF scheme supports the College’s Academic Mission.  Fellows are expected to contribute to the development of Imperial’s Academic Strategy and cross-cutting sub-themes 

  • Preference will be given to candidates whose career trajectory demonstrates their suitability to this scheme and who are yet to be considered independent researchers, but are on track to gain this through the support and training that this fellowship opportunity offers.
  • Candidates who have already demonstrated research independence, through a track-record of winning external fellowships and grant funding, are not likely to be successful.
  • Applicants who wish to discuss their suitability to this scheme are encouraged to contact the ICRF Office for further guidance.

Applications will be reviewed by a three-stage process:

Stage 1: Faculty Review Panel. Once received, applications that are eligible and complete will be reviewed by one of four Review Panels (Faculty of Engineering; Faculty of Natural Sciences; Faculty of Medicine; and the Business School) depending on the host department of the named sponsor.  Review Panels will typically include a representative from the proposed host department and seek advice from subject experts.  The Review Panel will select candidates for interview based on the following criteria:

  1. Standing of the applicant
  2. Appropriateness of the sponsor and host laboratory
  3. Benefit of the scheme to the candidate
  4. Ability to communicate with a non-specialist audience and peer group scientists
  5. Scientific merit of the proposed research
  6. Alignment to the Imperial Academic Strategy

Due to the expected volume of applications, Imperial is unable to provide feedback for the applications that are not selected for interview.

Stage 2: Faculty Interview Committee. Applicants who are selected by the Faculty Review Panels will be invited to present their proposal to the Faculty Interview Committee where they will be ranked in order of competitiveness.  For those applicants selected for interview, the host department representative(s) on the Faculty Interview Committee reserve the right to request up to two additional external references in support of their application.  The host Head of Department must provide a letter of support for candidates who progress to Stage 3, but this may also be requested by their Faculty at this Stage 2.

Stage 3: Imperial College Research Fellowship Selection Committee.  The final selection of fellows will take place at the Imperial College Research Fellowship Selection Committee based on Faculty ranking, competitiveness and availability of funds.

ICRFs supported by Schmidt Futures (AI in Science Theme)

ICRF applications where the candidates have indicated that they wish to be considered for support from Schmidt Futures under the AI in Science Theme will follow broadly the same evaluation process. However there will be additional input into the evaluation from representatives of the I-X Centre for AI in Science in terms of ranking the AI in Science Theme proposals, with a particular emphasis on the fit to the AI in Science remit in addition to the above-mentioned criteria.

Applicants are reminded that if their chosen Department is only accepting applications for ICRFs supported by Schmidt Futures in the AI in Science Theme, then they will not be eligible for funding if their proposal is not ranked sufficiently highly within the AI in Science Theme. Please check the 'Imperial Departments and Key Contacts' section below.

 Consideration of the application by Imperial College London does not guarantee that support will be offered.

  • Closing date for applications: Monday 21 August 2023 (23:59 BST)
  • Faculty Review Panel shortlisting: September to October 2023
  • Interviews: November 2023 (specific dates will be listed here when available)
  • Results of Selection Committee announced: December 2023
  • Start date for fellowships: between 1 August 2024 and 1 December 2024

Note: it is not possible to defer offers of fellowships for future years

Imperial Departments and Key Contacts

Individuals interested in applying for an ICRF at Imperial must approach their proposed host department as early as possible, to discuss their intentions to apply and to acquire information about any additional departmental timelines and local processes.  Some Departments have also declared particular areas in which they would be willing to host a fellow or have established departmental processes and earlier deadlines.  Others have indicated that they will not be accepting ICRF applications at this time. Please check the status of your Department before proceeding.

Faculty of Engineering


The Department is accepting enquiries related to all relevant research areas, with a particular interest in Zero-Emission Aircraft Technologies, Systems Engineering and Optimisation, and Physics-aware Machine Learning and Data Assimilation in Aerospace Engineering. Candidates interested in submitting an application should contact Siân Haynes with a CV and brief paragraph outlining research interests by 31 July 2023 (General contact – Siân Haynes).


The Department of Bioengineering welcomes applications for the AI in Science Theme. 

Prospective applicants must submit the following (by emailing to before noon on 24 July 2023 to be eligible for Departmental shortlisting: 

(1) Full-length CV, 

(2) Research plan (1 page), and

(3) Cover letter explaining: i) Why you would be a good candidate for the AI in Science Theme (ICRF supported by Schmidt Futures) and ii) why the Bioengineering Department is the best fitting host for your application. 

General contact - Naomi Nakayama (

Chemical Engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering is only accepting enquiries from candidates whose proposed fellowship aligns with and falls under the remit of the AI in Science Theme (ICRF supported by Schmidt Futures). Please follow the College guidelines to apply and ensure to seek signature from the Head of Department by 12 August 2023. The Department will review all applications and invite selected candidates for interviews in September. Following the interview, only one applicant will be put forward to Faculty and College panel for review (General contact – Anusha Sri-Pathmanathan).

Civil & Environmental

The Department is accepting application enquiries and will be performing a pre-application review stage.  Candidates must submit a (1) CV and (2) completed ‘Research Proposal and Budget’ form to Sarah Willis by 5pm (UK time) on 4 August 2023, for departmental review (General contact – Sarah Willis).


The Department of Computing is not participating in the ICRF scheme 2023

Faculty of Engineering - part 2

Dyson Engineering

The Dyson School of Design Engineering is welcoming applications from fellowship candidates who align with the school’s ethos that centres on the co-design of technology and behaviours. Fellowship proposals strongly aligned with the impact themes of Design Engineering are encouraged. Prospective applicants must submit the following to the School before 31 July 2023 to be eligible for Departmental shortlisting: (1) CV (2-page), (2) Research plan (1 page), (3) Cover letter explaining: i) Why you would be a good candidate for ICRF and ii) why Design Engineering is the best host research environment for your application. Please send the application to Jessica Billins.

Earth Science & Engineering

The Department is accepting fellowship application enquiries related to the following research areas:

  • Minerals and Metals / Economic Geology
  • Climate / Environmental Change / Pollution / Low Carbon Energy
  • AI for Earth Science 

Applicants must secure a Departmental sponsor (please consult our webpage) and will require Departmental approval.  Candidates interested in submitting an application should contact Caroline Baugh with the name of their departmental sponsor, a CV and one paragraph outlining their proposed research by 30 July 2023.  General enquiries can also be directed to Caroline Baugh

Electrical & Electronic

Prospective applicants must submit the following to the Department before noon on 24 July 2023 to be eligible for Departmental shortlisting: (1) CV, (2) Research plan (1 page), (3) Cover letter explaining: i) Why you would be a good candidate for ICRF and ii) why the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department is the best fitting host for your application.  (General contact – Rob Millwood).


The Department of Materials is accepting fellowship application enquiries. Candidates wishing to apply for a fellowship hosted by the Department of  Infectious Disease should check our website and consider a potential Department sponsor. (General contact – Claire Tibble).

Mechanical Engineering

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is accepting fellowship application enquiries. Candidates wishing to apply for a fellowship hosted by the Department of Mechanical Engineering should check our website and consider a potential Department sponsor.

Our Department application process for the main fellowships (e.g. ICRF, RAEng and EPSRC Open Fellowships) closes midday 9 June 2023. Applications after this date will only be considered for external candidates on a case by case basis.

Applicants pursuing cutting-edge research in the areas of Robotics, AI, Future Mobility, Energy, Nuclear, and Sustainable Consumption and Manufacturing are encouraged to apply. Please contact Nina Hancock for general queries.

Faculty of Medicine

Brain Sciences

The Department of Brain Sciences is accepting fellowship application enquiries and we are particularly interested in applicants whose research is aligned with the Department’s mission to develop a unique portfolio of translational research in neuroscience and mental health that is recognised internationally for scientific excellence. The Department of Brain Sciences comprises the pioneering Centre for Psychedelic Research and Brain Tumour Research Centre of Excellence, as well as the multidisciplinary UK Dementia Research Institute at Imperial and the UK DRI Care Research and Technology Centre at Imperial.

The Department values and celebrates its diverse workforce and we are committed to creating a truly open and inclusive culture where every individual is free to reach their full potential. Dr Johanna Jackson and Professor Paresh Malhotra co-chair the Department’s People and Culture Committee which supports this commitment and is guided by the Athena Swan Charter, in which the department was awarded silver, and the Race Equality Charter. If applicants wish to discuss any aspect related to EDI in the Department before applying they are welcome to contact either co-chair or other committee members found at Department of Brain Sciences Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.

Candidates must contact the department before the end of the day on 24 July 2023 to indicate their intention to apply and to receive any department-specific information (General contact – Celia Domingues).

Immunology & Inflammation

Candidates must contact the department before the end of the day on 24 July 2023 to indicate their intention to apply and to receive any department-specific information  (General contact – Dania Grant-Serroukh).

Infectious Disease

The Department of Infectious Disease is accepting fellowship application enquiries. Candidates wishing to apply for a fellowship hosted by the Department of  Infectious Disease should check our website and consider a potential Department sponsor.

Candidates must contact the department before the end of the day on 24 July 2023 to indicate their intention to apply and to receive any department-specific information (General contact – Celia Domingues).


Institute of Clinical Sciences

The Institute of Clinical Sciences is accepting fellowship application enquiries and we are particularly interested in applicants whose research is aligned with our strategic priorities of: Gene–Environment Interactions; Sex Differences in Biology and Disease, and Cell Identity Across the Life Course (General contact – Peter Norsworthy).

Faculty of Medicine - part 2

Metabolism, Digestion and Repro

Candidates must contact the department before the end of the day on 24 July 2023 to indicate their intention to apply and to receive any department-specific information (General contact – Dania Grant-Serroukh).


The National Heart and Lung Institute is accepting fellowship application enquiries.  Candidates to NHLI are required to submit a draft application, with a detailed and complete ‘Section 1: Applicant Details’ section to act as a CV, to the NHLI by 24 July 2023 (General contact - Alun Owen).

The Department is particularly interested in applications to the following research areas:

  • Vascular, myocardial and lung cell biology
  • Lung immunology, allergy and infection
  • Cardiac electrophysiology
  • Advanced therapies: genes, drugs, stem cells & devices
  • Population health: including environmental and occupational causes of heart, lung and vascular disease
  • Disease progression: early disease, repair, aging & fibrosis
  • Genomics, imaging, big data and artificial intelligence
  • Clinical trials: patient cohorts, volunteer studies, bioresources and trial design
  • Artificial intelligence and its application to healthcare

NHLI has launched its strategic plan for 2019-2024 (PDF download) including our mission and aim. 

School of Public Health

The School of Public Health is accepting fellowship application enquiries. Candidates wishing to apply for a fellowship hosted by the School of Public Health should check our website and consider a potential Department sponsor. (General contact – Lyndsey Pallant).

Surgery and Cancer

Candidates and/or their sponsor should contact the Department as soon as possible to indicate their intention to apply. 



Departmental submission deadline  via

14 July 2023

Departmental review process

17 July - 4 August 2023

Update of applications by applicants following feedback

7-18 August

Deadline for submission via the College’s careers website

21 August 2023



Final decisions

Mid-late December 2023

Start date for fellowships

1 August – 1 December 2024

 (General contact – Rita Carvalho)

Faculty of Natural Sciences

Centre for Environmental Policy

The Department is accepting enquiries addressing the human dimensions of environmental problem solving related to the CEP research areas in environmental, energy, food and human security. The Department will be performing a pre-application review stage and candidates interested in submitting an application should contact Kasia Kmieckowiak ( with a CV and brief paragraph outlining their research proposal and budget by 25 July 2023 (General contact –


The Department is only accepting enquiries for ICRFs supported by Schmidt Futures under the AI in Science Theme remit (for example , ‘AI in Chemical Biology’, and/or ’AI in Synthesis’).  Applicants wishing to apply for an ICRF supported by Schmidt Futures and hosted by the Department of Chemistry should check our webpage and consider a potential Departmental sponsor. General enquiries can be directed to Sarah Al-Beidh (

Life Sciences

The Department is accepting fellowship application enquiries related to all our research themes (

If you research falls under the AI in Science Theme, please follow the guidance on how to indicate this in your application. You may be eligible for support from Schmidt Futures and affiliation with I-X (

Applicants must contact their proposed sponsor and department no later than 7 July 2023 to discuss their intention to apply (General contact – Rich Bowman,



The Department of Mathematics is only accepting enquiries for ICRFs supported by Schmidt Futures relevant to the AI in Science Theme. Applicants wishing to apply for an ICRF supported by Schmidt Futures and hosted by the Department of Mathematics should check our webpage and consider a potential Departmental sponsor from among our academic staff. Ideally you will discuss your application with your proposed sponsor in advance of applying. General enquiries can be directed to Rusudan Svanidze.


The Department is only accepting enquiries for ICRFs supported by Schmidt Futures under the AI in Science Theme. General enquiries can be directed to Louise Hayward.

Business School

The Business School particularly welcomes fellowship applications that relate to its strategic themes (Digital Transformation; Entrepreneurship; Financial and Institutional Resilience; Health Management and Policy; Sustainability) or which afford fellows the opportunity to collaborate across the College’s faculties.  Applicants should be able to show evidence of publications in print or in the pipeline.  For any applicants who have not yet been awarded their doctorate, their institutional reference should include their expected award date (General contact – Ross Clark).