Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Can my research be published without ethical approval?
To publish any research findings in the UK there needs to be ethics approval from an ethics review body.
The College's authorship guidelines can be found at guidelines for authorship.
If my study involves the use of ionising radiation or participants who lack capacity can I apply for ethics review through the RGIT/ICREC/SETREC?
No. For UK studies which involve ionising radiation or the recruitment of participants who lack capacity you will need to go via the IRAS process. For more information about ethics review for ionising radiation and for more information on ethics review for participants who lack capacity.
Is CE marking valid post Brexit?
CE marking changed to UKCA marking from 1st January 2021 (CE marking will be accepted until 2023). For more information on regulating medical devices.
How do I know if my study needs to be approved by the RGIT/ICREC /SETREC/EERP?
Take a look at our process map of Routes to ethics review (pdf) to see the routes to ethical approval for health-related research projects.
Can I obtain Imperial College ethics review if the intellectual property will not be owned by Imperial College?
No. To obtain Imperial College ethics review the College must own at least part of the IP. Please see the Intellectual Property policy (College login) for more information.
My research is being conducted on animals. Do I still need to gain approval from the ICREC/SETREC?
No, ICREC and SETREC do not consider animal-related research projects. Research involving animals can be reviewed by AWERB (Animal Welfare and Ethical Review Body). Visit the Regulation and oversight of animal research for more infomation.
Do I need committee review when I want to recruit healthy Imperial College staff and students for the collection of tissue samples?
No. For studies where the only research being undertaken at Imperial is tissue collection (e.g. collecting biopsies, blood only), ethics review may be obtained from the Imperial College Healthcare Tissue Bank, who have been delegated authority from the Research Ethics Committee (REC) to approve this type of project. SOP for consenting healthy volunteers.
More information regarding the Imperial College Healthcare Tissue Bank can be found here Tissue Bank.
Who can I contact if I have a query regarding the ethics application?
Please contact the Ethics and Research Governance Coordinator to discuss your queries.
My study involves genetically modified materials, is there additional paperwork to complete?
Yes, please complete Genetically Modified Materials [Word].