Training and development
Imperial provides training courses for its researchers at all stages of their careeers. If you are a post-doctorate fellow, an early career or senior academic, you can take advantage of the courses available within the College. The Learning and Development Centre offers a broad range of courses and programmes such as 'Working with Enterprise', 'Academics Women Programme (AWP) etc.
The Centre for Academic English can provide a training sessions for small groups or 1:1 consultation towards writing a grant proposal, funding bid or fellowship application. The centre can also assist with preparing REF submission or presentation for a conference.
The College has an extensive range of research facilities and equipment spread across research disciplines and departments. Read information on how facilities are organised providing a directory of existing equipment and facilities across the College.
The Forum (Imperial’s policy engagement programme) connects Imperial researchers with policymakers to discover new thinking on global challenges. Regular events and workshops on the key topics are organised. You can also check their online short courses.
The College staff pages contain information on all aspects of working at Imperial from equality and diversity to staff development, disability support to job opportunities, remote working to scholarly communciation and much more.
The Faculty of Natural Sciences run courses on writing and preparing grant proposals. For example, we have organised workshops on the peer-reviewing process of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and how to improve the quality of EPSRC proposals. We have also offered a mock prioritization panel workshop to a cohort of FoNS ECRs. Please contact FoNS Funding Highlights if you would be interested in having access to online courses of this type. You can also find our upcoming courses in the monthly Funding Opportunities document.
If you would like to have access to guidance and documentation tailored to write a grant proposal, please see our How to Apply for Funding's section. Note the Faculty also offers a wide range of services to support its staff.
Postdocs and Fellows
Postdocs and Fellows wishing to improve their academic CV should contact the Postdoc and Fellows Development Centre (PFDC) team.
External courses
There is also a number of courses and workshops run by other institutions.