QuantaSol - Photovoltaic solar cells
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QuantaSol was spun-out from research at Imperial with the challenging goal to become the world's leading supplier of high efficiency III-V based solar cells. QuantaSol pioneered the application of quantum well nanostructures for solar photovoltaics. Using its unique, patented technology, the company manufactured triple-junction concentrator solar cells operating at 40% efficiency. This world-leading photovoltaic technology delivers greater conversion efficiency, along with better spectral performance than competing cells. After several rounds of Venture Capital investment totalling around £7.5m, QuantaSol was acquired in 2011 by JDSU, a leading US semiconductor manufacturer, who manufacture cells with efficiency above 41% using the technology.
The quantum well solar cell (QWSC) was invented, developed and patented by the Quantum Photovoltaics (QPV) research group at Imperial, led by Professor Keith Barnham.
This technology developed by the QPV group enabled QuantaSol, and subsequently JDSU, to manufacture QWSCs with efficiencies above those of the market leaders. Uniquely, QWs will allow JDSU to optimise cells for maximum energy harvest in different solar spectra. This will increase world-wide the beneficiaries of concentrator technology and enable other low-carbon applications in building integration and electric transport.
QuantaSol was awarded Guardian CleanTech Top 100 awards in 2008 and 2009.