FoNS Researcher Mobility Grant for Postdocs and Fellows
The Faculty of Natural Sciences wishes to support early career researchers (Postdocs and Fellows) to undertake short term visits to work - for a minimum of one week- with collaborators at overseas or UK organisations. These awards are to contribute towards travel to and from the host institution (academia or Industry) and subsistence during the visit.
The applicant can apply for up to £2,000 per visit with no more than two visits in one year. Note this scheme is not intended to fund conference fees/travels and the Imperial College Expenses Policy are expected to be followed.
Key dates
The deadline to submit an application is Monday 6 February 2023. The announcement of awardees will be on the week commencing 27 February 2023. Please note the research visit (s) should be taken within 12 months since receiving the award.
Selection Criteria
The researcher mobility grants proposals will be evaluated using the criteria below:
- Eligibility:
- The travels must be undertaken within the term of the postdoctoral or fellowship appointment
- Applicants with a permanent academic role will not be eligible
- Funding is limited to £2,000 per visit with no more than two visits in one year
- Proposals must have the support from the line manager – See appendix 1
- Proposals must have the support from the host institution – See appendix 1
- Research quality: added value of collaboration between Imperial and the host institution and potential impact of this visit to the applicant’s research.
- Career impact: potential impact this grant will have on the development of the applicant’s career
- The cost breakdown: are the costings realistic?
How to Apply
- Applicants should complete the application form without exceedingly more than two pages (see Appendix 1)
- Applicants should include a letter of support from the host institution with the application form
- Application must be signed by the line manager (see Appendix 1)
- Completed form should be submitted to (please put in copy Dr Ester Buchaca-Domingo)
- Deadline to submit the 2-pages proposal is Monday 6 February 2023.
Review Process
Proposals will be reviewed by the Faculty of Natural Sciences Operational Strategic Committee (FOSC). All applications will be considered a the FOSC February meeting (22 February 2023).
FoNS Researcher Mobility Grant for Postdocs and Fellows - guidance and application form (Word document)