EndNote reference management software

EndNote is a powerful research tool which helps you to manage your references, facilitate your research and is adaptable to suit your workflows.

EndNote is a bibliographic software package that enables you to:

  • Import references from databases, journals and text files
  • Import PDF files to create references
  • Search databases from within EndNote
  • Search your own references
  • Insert citations into your documents
  • Generate a bibliography in over 6000 styles
  • Customise output styles
  • Insert figures or tables into your document

Endnote support

Download to your device

EndNote for Windows and Mac is available to download on your device. You can access the links and instructions from the following password protected pages. Follow the links for instructions for downloading EndNote X9 and EndNote 20.

EndNote for Students

EndNote for Staff

Please note that you will need to have admin rights on your device to complete the installation.

Access via the Software Hub

When using College PCs, or devices where you do not have the admin rights to install software, EndNote is available via the Software Hub (Windows only). You do not require a key or any installation instructions. 

  1. Log in to the Software Hub with your Imperial username and password
  1. Follow the instructions, steps 1-12, for using the Software Hub on your own device
  1. On the Software Hub home page, enter EndNote in the Search bar at the upper right hand corner of the screen
  1. Hover over the EndNote box and click on Launch. This will launch the EndNote programme
  • Connection files  contain all the information necessary for EndNote to search and import references from an online database, and book references from Imperial College Library. Save files in C:\Program Files\EndNote\Connections. 
  • Import filters  are files used by EndNote to transfer references previously downloaded from an online database and saved as a text file. Save files in C:\Program Files\EndNote\Filters. 
  • Output styles  - over 6000 are available from the EndNote website. Save files in C:\Program Files\EndNote\Styles. 

To create your EndNote library click File- New, name your library and save it. 

You are strongly advised NOT to save your active EndNote library in cloud services such as OneDrive, Dropbox etc. as this may occasionally result in your library becoming corrupted. 

Once you’ve created your library you can: 

  • import your PDFs or references from a database   

  • arrange these into groups to keep them organised 

  • install the Cite While You Write to help you cite your references 

 For more information see Endnote 20 Workbook‌ (pdf) handbook‌‌ or book on to one of the Librar‌y‌ EndNote workshops‌‌ 

It is not possible to use EndNote’s Cite While You Write functionality with LaTeX/BibTeX. However it is possible to use the reference management features of EndNote and then export a reference list in BibTeX format.

BibTeX (Imperial College) input filter – an improved filter to import BibTeX files (allows for more variation in data structure than official BibTeX filter). Place file in the Filters sub-folder in the Endnote program files. Imported records should be checked for accuracy. To download the input filter click here. In the zip file just look for the filter file: BibTex (Imperial College).enf

BibTeX Export (Imperial College) output style – an improved output style to export EndNote records in a BibTeX format (additionally exports contents of Notes field to BibTeX note= field). Place file in the Styles sub-folder in the Endnote program files. To download the output style click here. In the zip file just look for the style file: BibTeXExport (Imperial College).ens

For more information on reference management for LaTeX users please also see our BibTeX for LaTeX webpage.

What is EndNote Online

Users of EndNote Desktop can create an EndNote Online account and link the two. Content is then synchronised across both versions e.g. materials added via EndNote Online will appear in EndNote and vice versa. This maximises portability of your EndNote library. 

To create an EndNote Online account: 

  • Click on sync in your EndNote Desktop under the Library menu 

  • In the pop up box either enter the details of your existing account or, under create new EndNote account, click on sign up and follow the next steps 

For more information see EndNote Online.

If you would like to use the Imperial College versions of Harvard and Vancouver styles you can download the style files into your EndNote Styles folder.

Imperial College Harvard and Vancouver Styles (Zip compressed file)