How does it work?

The College has selected PHC, an experienced specialist in private medical insurance underwritten by AXA PPP, to provide members of staff with private health insurance at very competitive rates not available on the open market. Payment is made by salary deduct, which means your monthly subscription premium will come directly out of your salary (after tax deductions).

Like all insurance plans, there are terms, conditions and limitations to cover. All plans are based on moratorium underwriting, meaning non-historical pre-existing medical conditions are not covered. Ensure that you read all the documentation linked below before taking out health insurance with PHC.

How do I sign up?

  1. Review PHC's brochurehandbook and directory of hospitals to select your plan from four available options and find out what the cost will be to you. Cost is dependent on your plan selection, age and who you would like to cover in your insurance.
  2. Fill in your and your partner's/dependants' details via this form to join the health insurance scheme. Once you have completed and submitted this form, you have signed up to receive health insurance. Sign up by the last working day of the month to receive coverage from the first day of the following month onwards. You can make a claim from this date if you need to by calling the PHC claims hotline, even if you have not yet received your membership pack in the post.
  3. You will receive from PHC a membership pack (a welcome letter and a certificate of cover) in the post to your home address by the end of the second month following sign up. (For example, if you sign up on 20 January, you will receive the pack by 31 March.) Your premiums will be deducted from your pay after tax on a monthly basis.

Frequently asked questions

You are able to choose from to suit your needs. Cover differs between each of these plans. Plan 4 has the lowest monthly premiums of these options; plan 1 has the highest.

Pre-existing conditions are not covered (see below). The handbook gives further details of what else is not covered, which includes treatment at a hospital not listed in the directory of hospitals, dental care, and pregnancy and childbirth.

All plans are based on moratorium underwriting: this means that for any medical condition that you've had in the last five years where you've sought advice, consultation or treatment in the last two years PHC won't cover you for those conditions until you have been a member for two years in a row and you've been completely trouble-free from that condition for a consecutive two-year period after you join. Your cover will then be subject to the terms and conditions of the healthcare plan you take out.

See the ‘exclusions and limitations’ and ‘underwriting’ sections of the brochure for more details.

You can take out individual insurance for yourself, or you can also choose to cover your spouse/co-habiting partner and/or your children (dependants) at a multiplier of your individual rate. The Private Healthcare- rates table covers multiplier rates.

A dependant is a child, stepchild or foster child who you are legally responsible for of up to 25 years of age.

If a dependant is under 25 (i.e. up to 24 years and 364 days) at the scheme renewal date, they can remain on the scheme until the following renewal.

You can leave or join at any point throughout the year. However, you will be subject to moratorium underwriting from your new start date if you leave and later re-join.

If you wish to leave the policy, please contact, referencing your CID and stating the last month you wish your policy to cover, with at least one calendar month's notice.

If you need to add or remove a partner or dependants, please email with your CID, the title, surname, first name, middle initial(s) and date of birth of the individual(s), whether this is an addition or a removal, and whether each individual is a partner or dependant.

If the addition is a newborn within three months of birth, you must fill in and submit the Addition of a baby application form before your policy can be updated. (If you do not know your policy number, please leave this blank.)

When you leave the College, you will be charged for and receive cover up to the last calendar day of the month in which you leave, regardless of when your last day of employment is within that month.

PHC will contact you with the option to continue your cover after leaving by transferring to a personal plan with their underwriter, AXA PPP healthcare.

Your policy will auto-renew at the renewal rate agreed, shared with you prior to renewal. You can choose to opt out by contacting at least one calendar month before your renewal date.

No: group premium rates are reviewed for 1 October and 1 April each year, but once you have signed up your rate will not increase until your annual renewal date.

If you need to make a claim, call PHC Claims on 0800 068 7111.

Risk is spread across the whole insured group, rather than the individual as per an individual policy, meaning lower premiums per policy member.

No: the College does not offer this option. Over 80 hospitals and clinics located in London are available in the plan’s directory of hospitals.

All policyholders must reside at a UK address. All hospitals in PHC’s directory of hospitals are located in the UK.

The College has taken the decision to maintain an open selection window, which means you can decide to sign up any time. Sign up by the last working day of the month to receive coverage from the first calendar day of the following month onwards.

There is no transfer option for this scheme. If you sign up to this PHC scheme, only new conditions from the inception of this policy would be covered (subject to terms and conditions).

Your membership of the insurance scheme will continue through maternity leave, other family leave, or any other period of statutory pay or unpaid leave (e.g. unpaid sabbatical).

Your monthly premium will not be deducted during periods of statutory pay or nil pay, but the cost will be recouped from you following your return to work.

If you leave and later re-join the scheme, your moratorium underwriting (where pre-existing conditions are not covered) will begin anew from the date you re-join.

PHC's privacy notice summary and AXA PPP's full data privacy notice are available to view online.

Please make sure you read these notices once you have taken out a policy.

For more information on PureGym and Doctor@Hand, please contact

If you have a question about the scheme that isn't answered in these FAQs or in the PHC documentation linked above, please contact