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Micromechanical strength of Al2O3 platelets . E. Feilden, T.Giovannini, N.Ni, C.Ferraro, E.Saiz, L. Vandeperre, F.Giuliani. Scripta Materialia, 131 , p:55-58, 2017.
Using graphene networks to build bioinspired self-monitoring ceramics. O.T. Picot, V.G.Rocha, C.Ferraro, N.Ni, E.D’Elia, S.Meille, J.Chevalier, T. Saunders, T.Pejis, M.J.Reece, E. Saiz. Nature Communications, 8 , 14425, 2017.
High-temperature fracture toughness of mullite with monoclinic zirconia. D.Glymond, M.J. Vick, F. Giuliani, L. Vandeperre. J. Am. Ceram. Soc.,100 , p:1570-1577, 2017.
Experimental synthesis and density functional theory investigation of radiation tolerance of Zr3(Al1-xSix)C2 MAX phases. E. Zapata-Solvas, S-R. G. Christopoulos, N. Ni, D.C.Parfitt, D. Horlait, M.E. Fitzpatrick, A.Chroneos, W.E.Lee. J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 100 (4), p:1377-1387, 2017.
Complex ceramic architectures by directed assembly of “responsive” particles. E. Garcia-Tunon, G.C.Machado, M. Schneider, S. Barg, R. V. Bell, E. Saiz, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 37 (1), p:199-211,2017.
A facile way to produce epoxy nanocomposites having excellent thermal conductivity with low contents of reduced graphene oxide. G.B. Olowojoba, S.Kopsidas, S. Eslava, E.S. Gutierrez, A.J.Kinloch, C.Mattevi, V.G. Rocha, A.C. Taylor. J. Mater. Sci., 52 (12), p:7323-7344, 2017.
Mechanical and biological evaluation of 3D printed 10CeTZP-Al2O3 structures. L.Goyos-Ball, E.García-Tunon, E. Fernandez-Garcia, R. Diaz, A. Fernandez, C. Prado, E. Saiz, R. Torrecillas. J. Eur. Ceram Soc., 37 (9), p:3151-3158, 2017.
Water vapour corrosion of rare earth monosilicates for environmental barrier coating application. N. Al Nasiri, N.Patra, D.D. Jayaseelan, W.E. Lee. Ceramics International,43 (10), p: 7393-7400, 2017.
Oxidation resistant tungsten carbide hardmetals. S.A. Humphry-Baker, K. Peng, W.E Lee. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 66 , p: 135-143, 2017.
Mechanical and biological evaluation of 3D printed 10CeTZP-Al2O3 structures. L.Goyos-Ball, E.García-Tunon, E. Fernandez-Garcia, R. Diaz, A. Fernandez, C. Prado, E. Saiz, R. Torrecillas. J. Eur. Ceram Soc., 37 , p: 3151-3158, 2017.
Elastic properties, thermal stability, and thermodynamic parameters of MoAlB. S. Kota, M. Agne, E. Zapata-Solvas, O. Dezellus, D. Lopez, B. Gardiola, M. Radovic, M. W. Barsoum. Physical Review B, 95 , p: 144108, 2017.
Spontaneous solid-state foaming of nanocrystalline thermoelectric compounds at elevated temperatures. S. Humphry-Baker, C.A. Schuh, Nano Energy, 36 , p: 223-232, 2017.
A unifying scaling for the Bauschinger effect in highly confined thin films: a discrete dislocation plasticity study. S. Waheed, R. Hao, A. Bhowmik, D.S. Balint, F. Giuliani. Just accepted. IOP science. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering
Osseous differentiation on freeze casted 10CeTZP-Al2O3 structures. Lidia Goyos-Ball, Elisa Fernández, Raquel Díaz, Adolfo Fernández, Catuxa Prado, Ramón Torrecillas, Eduardo Saiz. Journal of the European Ceramic Society.
Densification behaviour and physico-mechanical properties of porcelains prepared using spark plasma sintering. W. Lerdprom, S. Grasso, D.D. Jayaseelan, M.J. Reece, W.E.Lee. Advances in Applied Ceramics. DOI: 10.1080/17436753.2017.1309800
Synthesis and physical properties of (Zr1−x,Tix)3AlC2 MAX phases. E. Zapata-Solvas, M.A. Hadi, D. Horlait, D.C. Parfitt, A. Thubaud, A. Chroneos, W.E.Lee. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 1-9, 2017. DOI: 10.1111/jace.14870
The role of ceramic and glass science research in meeting societal challenges: Report from an NSF-sponsored workshop. K.T Faber et al. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 100 (5 ), p:1777-1803, 2017.
Laves phase intermetallic matrix composite in situ toughened by ductile precipitates . A.J. Knowlesa, A. Bhowmik, S. Purkayastha, N. G. Jones, F. Giuliani, W. J. Clegg, D. Dye, H. J. Stone. Scripta Materialia, 140, p:59-62, 2017.
A new beta titanium alloy system reinforced with superlattice intermetallic precipitates. A. J. Knowles, T-S June, A. Bhowmik, N. G. Jones, T. B. Britton, F. Giuliani, H. J. Stone, D. Dye. Scripta Materialia, 140, p: 71-75, 2017.
Calcium phosphate substrates with emulsion-derived roughness: processing, characterisation and interaction with human mesenchymal stem cells. G.C. Machado, E. García-Tuñón, R. V. Bell, M. Allini, E. Saiz, M. Peroglio. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, , Just accepted.
Oxidation of UC: An in situ high temperature environmental scanning electron microscopy study. C. Gasparrini, R. Podor, D. Horlait, M.J.D. Rushton, O. Fiquet, W.E. Lee. Journal of Nuclear Materials, DOI:10.1016/j.jnucmat.2017.07.016, 494, p:127-137, 2017.
Production and Reliability Oriented SOFC Cell and Stack Design. Hauth et all. ECS Transactions, 78 (1), p: 2231-2249, 2017.
Robust Bioinspired Graphene Film via π-π Cross-linking . H. Ni , F. Xu , A. P. Tomsia , E. Saiz , L. Jiang , Q. Cheng. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces , 9(29), p:24987-2992, 2017.
In situ stable crack growth at the micron scale. G. Sernicola, T. Giovannini, P. Patel, J. R. Kermode, D.S. Balint, T.B. Britton, F. Giuliani. Nature Communications, 8:108, 2017.
Density functional theory insights into ternary layered boride MoAlB . Y. Bai, X.Qi, A.Duff, N.Li, F.Kong, X. He, R. Wang, W.E.Lee. Acta Materialia, 132, p: 69-81, 2017.
Impact of microwave processing on porcelain microstructure. W. Lerdprom, E. Zapata-Solvas, D.D.Jayaseelan, A.Borrell, M.D. Salvador, W.E. Lee. Ceramics International.
Graphene Oxide: An All-in-One Processing Additive for 3D Printing. E. García-Tuñón, E. Feilden, H. Zheng, E. D’Elia, A. Leong, E. Saiz.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 9 (38), p: 32977–32989, 2017.
SiC porous structures obtained with innovative shaping technologies. C. Ferraro, E. García-Tuñón, S. Barg, M. Miranda, N. Ni, R. Bell, E.Saiz. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 38 (3), p: 823-835, 2018.
3D Printing Bioinspired Ceramic Composites. E. Feilden, C. Ferraro, Q. Zhang, E. García-Tuñón, E. D’Elia, F. Giuliani, L. Vandeperre, E. Saiz. Scientific Reports, 7, 13759, 2017.