Mr Gary Kass, Natural England, gives a talk to SSCP DTP students during the Sustainability module


Funding for our CDTs and DTPs is provided by Research Councils so eligibility criteria apply for the studentships that they offer. This is outlined on the UK Research and Innovation website. They may also consider self-funding applicants for non-funded projects.

A new model of Doctoral training

Integrated PhDs provide a new model of postgraduate training. They retain the depth, rigour and focus of a conventional PhD while also providing a broader training experience.

While the specific training routes may vary, they typically consist of a one-year Master's course (MSc or MRes) which leads straight into a three-year PhD.

This new style of doctoral training is available within our Research Council-funded Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) and Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs).

CDTs and DTPs

Our CDTs and DTPs recruit cohorts of students from a broad spectrum of disciplines, creating vibrant multi-disciplinary communities.

The diversity of students recruited to these centres reflects the breadth of research which they cover.

As well as benefitting from a variety of training opportunities and cohort-building activities, students studying within these centres may also have access to a supervisor and facilities at a partner institution.

Doctoral Training Partnerships (DTPs)

We offer the following DTPs:

Imperial is also a partner in London Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Partnership (LISS), funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).

Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs)

Imperial currently hosts the following Centres for Doctoral Training. Explore the centres that interest you to find out more about their training programme and available studentships.