
Opportunities in curriculum development and educational research projects are supported through the StudentShapers programme and can be found here.

The UROP website provides a platform for academic staff to indicate their willingness to field an enquiry from a student OR to advertise specific opportunities.  

Academic "entries" are listed by Faculty.

Opportunities will be posted as UROP receives them. NEW ones will be highlighted for a month as a NEW OPPORTUNITY in addition to being displayed under the relevant faculty.

However, to participate in UROP you are NOT limited to the "entries" listed here (indeed, there is often very little being advertised) since most academic staff (research groups) do not advertise/promote their availability. This should NOT be seen as an impediment, rather as an opportunity. In 2022 the College again recorded over 500 UROPs being undertaken in the summer period. If you are keen to approach a particular member of staff (so long as they do not appear on the list of non-participating staff), you are free to submit a considered request to them (see How to Get Involved).

However, when you approach a member of staff you may also find that:

  • an opportunity has already been filled.
  • the listed member of staff is unfortunately no longer able to consider a student for an opportunity (often due to a change in circumstances, which is quite common within the research community).


  • The UROP website provides a platform for academic staff to indicate their willingness to field an enquiry from a student or to advertise specific opportunities. Therefore, academic staff maintain a presence on the website until UROP is notified otherwise or until the UROP Manager refreshers the faculty listings.
  • Academic staff are allowed to have an entry against whichever faculty or faculties they consider relevant. So you may find something, for example, in natural science of relevance to an engineering student or perhaps in a basic science research group for an IT specialist. However, it is true that most students undertake their UROP in their own discipline.
  • It is NOT the aim of this website to provide a list of guaranteed research experiences, and as mentioned, even amongst those listed some opportunities will have been taken (for the summer or period ahead) by the time you view the site or by the time you contact a particular member of staff.
  • Please note that UROP has been developed first and foremost as an activity on offer to undergraduates of Imperial College and as such some supervisors might give priority to their applications over those from students who are students at other UK universities.
  • Where a member of academic staff has recently changed Faculty/Department, the contact details for an individual entry are not guaranteed to have been updated to reflect this. Such changes are normally made by the beginning of November each year. However, the phone number and email address should remain correct.