Update (August 2023): The College hopes that all research experiences which are taking place this summer are successful (in their own way) and that both the student and the supervisor will derive some level of satisfaction from the collaboration.

If you are new to the idea of undertaking undergraduate research then you are welcome to read our student perpectives (case studies) from students who undertook UROP in the summer of 2022. Some new perspectives will be added to the UROP website in the autumn term.

Our information sheet can help eligible undergraduates understand some key aspects as to how the scheme runs at Imperial College: UROP information sheet - 2023 (amended 08NOV2022)

...and students are also encouraged to read the 2024 UROP update (on our What is UROP page) which will appear by the end of Novemebr 2023.

NEWS (November 2022): The Dept of Life Sciences will no longer allow UROPs to take place within the Dept of Life Sciences where no bursary has been organised. Queries to the Dept of Life Sciences' Education Office (j.andrewes@imperial.ac.uk)

NEWS (December 2022): The Dept of Chemistry will no longer allow UROPs to take place within the Dept of Chemistry where no bursary has been organised. More information for undergraduates of the Dept of Chemistry can be found on the internal chemistry UROP Blackboard page and queries (if you are a student of another dept within the College or are a student at another university) to chemugadmin@imperial.ac.uk


Thinking of 2024?

OK, so you have read "What is UROP" (especially, the eligibility criteria), and reviewed some "perspectives".

It is truly amazing what you can forge in the world of UROP with good networking, timely preparation and, perhaps, a bit of good luck along the way.

Students consider the potential of UROP at different stages in their educational lifecycle and therefore the motivations behind undertaking a UROP can differ. Equally the timetable for planning a UROP and the detail behind that plan can differ. On the one hand you may have been planning your every last move from before you commenced your degree, while on the other hand you might be in the latter stages of your degree and have just realised that your future is just around the corner and you urgently need to consider your options!

A good person to speak to if you wish to discuss your motivations further is your academic advisor at your current university, which for undergraduates at Imperial College is your ‘personal tutor’.

This section provides further information and guidance on how to develop a UROP.

....and our information sheet can help eligible undergraduates understand some key aspects of how the scheme runs at Imperial College: UROP information sheet - 2023 (amended 08NOV2022). A new information sheet for 2024 will be made available by the end of November.

The continued use of remote (i.e. non campus) options, as determined by a supervisor, to structure and deliver a UROP remain valid.

Good Luck!