UROP scheme

General questions concerning participation in the scheme from academic staff and interested students should be directed to the UROP Manager at urop@imperial.ac.uk .

Also, enquiries about this website (including requests from academic staff to advertise UROPs; listing academic staff who are not open to requests from students) can be directed to urop@imperial.ac.uk

Students wishing to speak to someone in person may also contact the UROP Manager via the Student Hub (or make an appointment if he is not available on the day).

The UROP Manager is Mr Adrian Hawksworth, Assistant Registrar (Placements), Registry, Level 4 Sherfield Building, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ. Contact at urop@imperial.ac.uk

UROP registrations & certification

Host departments should send a completed UROP Research Experience Registration form to student.records@imperial.ac.uk

Most queries concerning the UROP registration process can be answered by reading the relevant guidance on registering a UROP.

Other queries concerning UROP registrations, including requests for statements of attendance, can be sent to student.records@imperial.ac.uk

The College's UROP bursary scheme

Queries concerning the College's UROP Bursary Scheme for Imperial College Undergraduates should be directed to bursariesurop@imperial.ac.uk 

The College's UROP bursary scheme is managed by the College's Student Financial Support, Registry, c/o the Student Hub, Level 3, Sherfield Building, South Kensington Campus.

Other UROP related bursary schemes, including payments made by the host department

Students with queries concerning other bursary schemes (and any payment enquiries) should speak to the relevant administrator in their host department or, as relevant, with the relevant external organisation. If all else fails email urop@imperial.ac.uk