You should explore the rest of the Imperial Success Guide to make sure you find the information and advice that will help you get the most out of your time here, but for now here are a few top tips to get you started...

1. University study is about independence

Take responsibility for your learning and shape your experience. Make it what you want it to be.

2. Participate and ask questions

The more you ask, the more you will learn. No one knows everything.

3. Don’t skip your classes

Results show that those who attend classes get better marks than those who do not. This goes for remote classes too!

4. Keep in touch with your personal tutor

They can help with any problems. You might not need them right away, but you might need them later.

5. Learn to manage your time

Organise your time around lectures, reading, tutorials, the library and Clubs & Societies. Make time for you to dance, swim, walk, sing and relax.

6. Make friends

Everyone is new. Speak to classmates, form study groups and try a new sport. Step outside your comfort zone.

7. Use feedback

It’s given to help you improve your work and your grades. Give feedback, we like to improve too.

8. Read around your subject

Don’t just stick to the lecture notes. Expand your knowledge.

9. Eat, sleep and look after yourself

Feed your brain with thinking fuel. Can’t cook? Learn. Whether you’re a night owl, or an early bird, make sure you sleep. While you sleep, your body is working to maintain your health.

10. Enjoy London

You are living in one of the greatest, most diverse, cities in the world. Explore, discover, and experience the city, it’s all part of being an Imperial student.
