You are not alone
Find out more about the SVLO scheme through this video.
We have a step-by-step guide for using the Report and Support tool at the College.

Acts of bullying, harassment, discrimination and sexual violence are not acceptable. Imperial College's Student Services have several avenues of support for students who have experienced bullying, harassment, discrimination or sexual violence. We want you to know that if you've had these experiences, recently or in the past, you are not alone, the College is here to support you.

Report + Support

Report + Support is an online tool you can use to tell us about incidents that have made you feel unwelcome or unsafe which could include bullying, harassment, sexual violence or harassment, stalking, relationship violence, racial or religious discrimination, homophobia, transphobia, disability discrimination and more. You can use Report + Support if you have witnessed an incident or if you've experienced something directly. You can choose to disclose something anonymously or provide us with your details and we will put you in touch with one of our support team to talk to you about what's happened and the options available to you.

Making a disclosure via Report + Support does not mean you have to make a formal report or complaint to the College, however we can help you make a formal report if you want to the College to look at taking further action.

Bullying, harassment and discrimination

Our Student Harassment Support Contacts (HSC) are Imperial staff who have received specialist training so that they can talk to you if you've experienced bullying, harassment or discrimination. They offer confidential, non-judgmental support to all students. A Student HSC can help you understand what support options are available to you. This includes informal resolutions, making a formal report, or accessing specialist support. And if you decide not to take any further action they can provide support through listening and providing you a space to talk. You can contact the team directly by email or get in touch through Report + Support

Sexual Violence Liaison Officers

We have a team of Sexual Violence Liaison Officers (SVLOs) who have received specialist training to support students who have experienced sexual violence. They are trained to talk to you if it is the first time you've told anyone, if something has happened to you very recently, or if you experienced sexual violence in the past.
SVLOs are not therepeutic counsellors however they can talk to you about a range of specialist and long term support options with you, so that you can make a choice about what's best for you at this time. They offer confidential and non-judgemental listening and provide information and support if you want to access formal procedures like Disciplinary action or reporting to the police. An SVLO can support you regardless of whether the incident of sexual violence happened on or off-campus, or whether it was recent or in the past, and whether it involved other Imperial students, staff or anyone else. You can contact the team directly by email or get in touch through Report + Support

Not sure where to go for support?

We understand that it can be a bit overwhelming when you need support and you're not sure where to start. We're here to make accessing support as simple as possible for you. If you're not sure who to contact for support you can email us through and we'll guide you through making a disclosure. If you choose to make a named disclosure, you will be contacted by one of our team members directly who will ensure you get the right support. 


You are not alone