If you are a member of staff and you have experienced sexual violence or sexual harassment, the College has a number of sources of support that you can access in confidence.

For sources of support external to Imperial, the External Support pages in this menu are relevant to both staff and students who have been affected by sexual violence.

Internal support for staff

Harassment Support contacts

Harassment Support Contacts (HSCs) are trained volunteers who provide informal, confidential support in matters relating to discrimination, harassment, bullying and victimisation.  

Two of the HSCs have experience of dealing with sexual harassment, sexual violence and domestic abuse. They can help you explore your options, including whether you wish to address a matter through the College's formal channels. 

Click here to access the Harassment Support webpages or contact equality@imperial.ac.uk to be referred to an appopriate HSC.

Staff Supporters

Staff supporters are trained volunteers able to provide confidential and positive assistance to all Imperial staff when they need information, guidance and support.

Click here to find out more about Staff Supporters.

Confidential Care

All College staff are members of their family living with them can get free professional and confidential help from Confidential Care, the College's Employee Assistance Provider. 

The Confidential Care service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can call 0800 085 4764 or contact assist@cic-eap.co.uk.

Visit the Confidential Care webpages for more information.