Technical support FAQs

If you are struggling to complete the course due to technical issues, then hopefully you'll find the answer to your problem on this page. Generally, if you can't access the course this will be due to either:

  • You haven't activated your account after registering,
  • You didn't enter the Imperial token 307f34c7 when registering,
  • You didn't register with an Imperial email address,
  • You entered your email address wrong.

If you believe you have done all the above, and the FAQs don't help, you can access support from Epigeum in two ways:

  • During normal working hours (usually 09:00-17:00) you can access a Live Chat on their help page. This is the quickest way to resolve your issue.
  • Otherwise, you can submit a support ticket via Epigeum's technical support page.

Technical support FAQs

If you can't register because you get an error message that your email addresses don't match when you re-enter it, try the following:

  • Clear your browser cache for the Epigeum website, try a private tab, or try a different browser
  • Try again ensuring you manually enter your email into both fields (do not copy and paste)
  • Ensure there are no additional spaces or characters in either field

Contact support if you're still having issues.

DO NOT PAY FOR THE COURSE! If you are being asked to pay for the course, this generally means one of three things:

  • You have not entered the token when registering. To enter the token after registering, follow the steps on the 'I forgot to enter the Imperial token when registering' section on this page.
  • You haven't activated your account. If you haven't activated your account, find the activation email in your inbox and follow the link within or, if you can't find this email, follow the steps on the 'I can't find an activation email' section on this page.
  • You are not logged in correctly. To check your log in you can go to the user menu icon (top right corner, little person icon) and check that you can see your name/username. If you can’t, you’ll see the option to log in instead - so just log in. The course should appear in the My Courses screen.

Contact support if you still are being asked to pay after checking the above.

You need to enter the token to unlock access to the Consent Matters course for free. Don't worry if you forgot to enter it when registering, you can redeem the token after registering by doing the following:

  • Log into your Epigeum account via
  • Click the User icon at the top right of the page
  • Select ‘Enter token’ in the drop down menu
  • Enter the Imperial token: 307f34c7 and click ‘Enter’

If you've registered for an account but can't find any activation email in your inbox, first check your Spam/Junk folders. If you still can't find it there, you can resend the activation email by following the steps below:

If this doesn't work and you cannot activate your account, it may be possible that you entered your email address incorrectly. It may be worth registering a new account from scratch and check 100% for sure that you are typing your email correctly. If when you do this, you get an error saying that email address is already in use, try registering using the alternative version of your Imperial email e.g. if you registered originally using the version, try again using

Contact support if doing all of the above still does not resolve the issue.

Consent Matters FAQs

Have questions about the course? Maybe they'll be answered below. If you still have any questions about the course, why we're doing it, or the work the team does, please email

Course FAQ

In order to create a safe and respectful community, it's important that everyone is on the same page about how we relate to and treat each other. The Consent Matters course makes sure that everyone has the same baseline understanding of what consent is, why it's important, how to communicate in relationships, and how to look after each other. Even if you think you know this all already, you'll be playing your part in building a positive community by completing the course.

Yes. The course explores the ways in which you can communicate this decision to others, and provides tools and ideas for taking an active role in preventing harassment in the Imperial community. It also will help you build confidence to call out unacceptable behaviours and define boundaries with others.

Your Students' Union, Imperial College Union have an student-led campaign group ICUsToo tackling sexual harassment, sexual violence and domestic abuse. Go to their website to find out more and get actively involved