Imperial Mobile

Get the new Imperial Mobile app and access College information and services anytime, anywhere.
New students should download the 'Welcome to Imperial' app for Welcome Week events and information.
You can download Imperial Mobile ready for start of term. See details below.
Getting started
Download the latest app by searching ‘Imperial Mobile’ on Google Play or the Apple store.
If you are using an iPhone you can just update the app, then log out and in again for new features.
Open the app and log in using your College and password. Select the profile you require. Staff can login and use the 'Staff' profile.
Visitors can register for an account with an email address, but will not receive full staff or student services.
Opt in to get push notifications on your device, and in your device settings, if you want news and alerts from the College. More detailed instructions of how to opt in can be found further down this page.
- Access your course timetable and view upcoming classes
- Read, reply to and create College emails
- Search campus maps
- Search the Library catalogue and view account information
- Get the latest College and Union news and find out what’s on
- Get Shuttlebus timetables and book a seat aboard
- Report a defect in your hall
- Log an issue with ICT via ASK
- Receive push notifications
- And much more...
Arrange your homepage
Using the 'Arrange' feature you can now personalise your Imperial Mobile homepage to move tiles around or only show the tiles that are relevant to you.

To arrange your homepage:
- Click on the app menu
- Click on 'Arrange'
- Hold and drag tiles to move them around
- A cross will appear on each tile - click the cross to remove the tile you no longer want to see
- Click 'Done' to save your updates
Reset your homepage
To reset your homepage:
- Click on the app menu
- Click 'Arrange'
- Click reset
- Click on the tick to save
Push notifications
To receive push notifications (alerts) from College you have to opt in via your device and via the in app settings, and then by selecting the Alert groups you wish to receive push notifications about.
Opt into push notifications from your device

You can enable push notifications on your device settings for Imperial Mobile app.
To disable push notifications from Imperial Mobile app, deselect from your device settings.
Opt into Alert groups
The default setting on the Imperial Mobile app is set to opt out of alert groups. Therefore you must select the Alert groups you wish to receive push notifications from within the app Alert settings.
Alert group push notifications will only contain information about the specific group you have selected, for example, if you select ‘Undergraduate student’ alert group, you will only receive alerts containing information relevant to undergraduate students at Imperial.
Alert groups are set up so that you will only receive relevant and timely push notifications to help you with your work, studies or Campus life, or to support the work and research of Imperial College London.
For example, if you select 'All students' you will receive alerts relevant to the entire student body.

You will not receive third party advertisements or information unrelated to Imperial College London.
You may receive alerts regarding app problems or upgrades to ensure optimal user experience and functionality updates.
To opt out of any Alert group you can untick the group listed in your Imperial Mobile app settings.
Urgent alerts
All app users will be automatically opted in to one Alert group only - the ‘Urgent’ Alert group. (All other alert groups are opt in by default.)
This ‘Urgent’ Alert group has been set up to contact app users in an emergency, crisis or urgent situation only and is an additional communications channel to current procedures.
Contact if you have any questions about your data.
How can I send push notifications?
If you are part of a department, student group or campus service you may be eligible to use Imperial Mobile to send messages to our mobile users. Push notifications are authorised and sent by the Imperial Mobile team. Requests can be made by emailing Imperial Mobile.
Showcase area
Supported devices
iOS version
iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, OS 14.0 and higher.
NB: Some functions and features require device specific technologies, such as Bluetooth and GPS that must be present and enabled.
Android version
- Android 12
- Android 11
- Android 10
- Android 9 Pie
Windows Version
Web version
Any mobile device with a browser.
Installing Imperial Mobile
When launching the app for the first time, please be connected to Wi-Fi as it downloads the campus maps and other information.
When you first open Imperial Mobile, you have to register with an email address and password. (If using a non-College email select Visitor profile.)
To see your Student or Staff profile use your College when you log in. (New students will receive their College credentials once their place is confirmed by the College to UCAS.)
What is available in the app?
- Email - Read and reply to your College emails
- Timetable - view your timetable
- Library account - view your library account information and search the library catalogue
- Your pay - access your work payslip (If you receive your College payslip monthly via ICIS you can get your payslip via the app)
- MS Teams - Join a meeting or class from your phone
- Study tools - access to resources to help achieve your goals
- Student and staff support - resources to keep your mind healthy
- Feedback - lets us know what you think of the app
- Staff Directory - find an expert
Imperial Mobile contains the following information available to all:
- Shuttlebus timetables and book a seat aboard
- Maps - search the South Kensington campus map for buildings, catering outlets, accommodation, shops and cashpoints
- News - get the latest news
- Events - see what's on across Imperial's campuses
- Social media - follow the College on Twitter and read the latest student blogs
- Emergency contacts - Get emergency contact details for on and off Campus
- Food and drink - outlet opening times
- Social Media - Engage with others around College on current affairs
Help and support
Although Imperial Mobile is available to all, we can only offer help and support to College staff and students. If you require help, please contact us via the Service Desk, email the Imperial Mobile team or leave feedback via the app.
How do I change profiles
When you first log in to the app you will see a list of profiles for Student, Staff, Visitor - select the profile you require.
If you are already logged into the app you can log our and back in to see the profiles, or you can go to the in app settings and select 'Change profile'.
I can't see my Timetable data
Click on the Calendar tile, go to Settings at the bottom of the screen, and tick the calendar you want to see.
If this doesn't work, close the app and login again to refresh the data.
You can check you Celcat timetable data with your adiministrator.
What happens if I change my Imperial network password?
The first time you view password protected areas within Imperial Mobile following a change of password, the application will request that you log in again.
How do I connect my device to Imperial’s wifi network?
Please follow the instructions on how to access the Imperial College wireless (WiFi) network.
How do I report an error with the content within Imperial Mobile?
Please email the Imperial Mobile team with details of the incorrect content. Please provide as much detail as you can. You can also provide feedback within the app.
How do I access my payslip?
You can access your payslip by clicking on the Your pay tile. For further instructions go to Online access to payslips. You can only receive payslips via the app if you receive your pay monthly via ICIS.
More issues
Most issues with the app can be rectified by:
- Logging out and back in
- Closing the app and reopneing it
- Deleting / uninstalling the app and redownloading from the app store
We'd love to have your feedback about Imperial Mobile. Use the in app feedback function or email your thoughts and suggestions to the Imperial Mobile team
If you like Imperial Mobile, don't forget to rate it in the App Store.
Got an idea for another Imperial app? Email the Imperial Mobile team.
For further help with Imperial Mobile use ASK or contact the Mobile team.