CAS scenarios

Your CAS will be produced by the central Admissions Office once you have fulfilled all conditions of your offer of admission and sent a copy of your passport when requested.

The earliest a CAS will be produced is 5 months prior to your course start date.

Please bear in mind that the central Admissions Office are extremely busy over the summer months and will be processing CAS's as quickly as they can. Please do not keep emailing to ask where your CAS is as this will only delay the process further. Please be patient during this time.

If you think an error has been made or you have not received a CAS and your course start date is imminent, contact the relevant Admissions Team directly. Please include your CID in any correspondence.

Please be aware that if you need to make a new visa application during your course of study and you are on a course that requires ATAS clearance we cannot produce a CAS until the relevant clearance certificate is obtained. For more details please refer to our ATAS page.

PhD students needing additional time to complete

If you need additional time to complete your course because your course dates have changed, please email the International Student Support team to request a new CAS. Please include your CID in any correspondence.

If your course has changed (for example you are adding a Year in Industry or moving between undergraduate Bachelors/undergraduate Masters degrees), your course administrator should sign off the change and send a form through to the ISS team. We will then contact you directly about obtaining a new CAS if you need to make a new visa application.

If you need to make a new visa application because you are resuming your studies after a period of interruption, please ask your course administrator to email the International Student Support team to confirm your return date. We cannot provide a CAS more than 3 months prior to your expected date of return.

Please note: if you are undertaking a course that requires ATAS clearance we cannot produce a CAS until the relevant clearance certificate is obtained. For more details please refer to our ATAS page.

If you have been out of the UK for longer than 6 months in a country that requires you to have TB clearance, please be aware you will need a new clearance certificate before making your Student Route application.