Imperial usually holds two graduation ceremonies each year: Commemoration Day in October and Postgraduate Graduation in May.

Please see some of our most frequently asked questions below.

Eligibility / Certificates

A Graduand is eligible rto graduate for Commemoration Day 2023 if they meet the following criteria at each of clauses 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.

1.1 Either:

 1.1.1 they are an undergraduate, or a postgraduate who has been awarded the qualification of PhD or EngD, and their degree has been awarded and recorded on the College’s student record system by no later than Thursday 31 August 2023 with conferral date of Friday 1 September 2023; or

 1.1.2 they have received an approved deferral from any of (i) Postgraduate Graduation 2022, (ii) Commemoration Day 2022, (iii) Graduation Day 20 October 2022 or (iv) Postgraduate Graduation 2023, with Commemoration Day 2023 being their final opportunity to attend a graduation ceremony.

 1.2 Any appeal relating to the award of their degree has been resolved no later than Thursday 31 August 2023, with the exception of appeals relating to a change of mark for an awarded degree. If a Graduand has an outstanding appeal, they will not be eligible to attend graduation until it has been resolved. Should a relevant appeal be resolved after Thursday 31 August 2023 the Graduand will not be eligible to attend Commemoration Day 2023 and will be invited to attend the next applicable graduation event.

 1.3 Any outstanding debt owed to the College has been paid and cleared in full by no later than Wednesday 26 July 2023. Graduands with debt cleared after this date will not be eligible to graduate at Commemoration Day 2023 or any future graduation ceremony. If a Graduand requires further information as to how a debt to the College may affect their graduation, they should contact the tuition fees team via email at

1.4 The College reserves the right, where it deems appropriate, to withdraw an invitation to attend Commemoration Day 2023.

Please be advised, to be eligible for Commemoration Day 2023, all tuition fees must be paid by 26 July 2023. Graduands with debts cleared after this date will not be eligible to graduate at Commemoration Day 2023 or any future ceremonies.

If you have a query regarding an outstanding debt on your account, please contact the Student Credit Control Team as soon as possible (

There is no connection with graduation and receiving your certificate. Certificates are not given out at Graduation or collected on the day of Graduation. The College sends certificates to graduands directly.

Certificates are normally issued three months from when a student is conferred. If you have not received your certificate or have a question, please email:

No, your degree will still have been conferred by the College following your marks being passed by your department to Registry.

This is not impacted in any way by your attendance or non-attendance at a graduation ceremony, which is entirely optional.

Registration / Tickets

The next upcoming graduation is Commemoraiton Day taking place on Wednesday 18 October 2023. All eligible students will be sent an invite to register via email in early August. 

If you are having any difficulties registering for graduation, you can refer to the Before Graduation webpage or contact the Graduation Team using:

Registration dates for later ceremonies will be confirmed closer to the time.

Graduands may choose to attend the ceremony in person, defer their attendance, or graduate in absentia. 

Please note you still need to complete reigstration if you decide to defer your attendance or graduate in absentia. If you do not complete registration within the allocated registration time, you will not be invited to future graduation ceremonies.


Graduands unable to attend their ceremony but would like to do so in future, can choose to defer to a later ceremony. Graduands may only defer once and will be invited to graduate at a later ceremony. Graduands who wish to defer must let us know by completing the relevant section once in your registration form. 

Please note that we cannot guarantee which ceremony you will be deferred and you could be invited to any future ceremony in either May or October. 

Graduating in absentia

Graduands who are unable/do not wish to attend their ceremony and would not like to attend a future ceremony may graduate in absentia, where they will not be invited to any further in-person ceremonies (for the same degree). 

If you graduate in absentia your name will still appear in the prograame. 

Departmental receptions are held at venues across the South Kensington campus. They are an opportunity for graduands, family and academic staff to come together to further celebrate with drinks and light refreshments. The receptions typically run for approximately 90 minutes. 

Graduand passes to the receptions are complimentary, but you must select this option during registration in order to secure your place. Graduands may also purchase up to two guest passes to the department receptions, once registration is open. 

Graduands will also be able to purchase two guest tickets to the ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall. 

Please note guest tickets to the ceremonies in the Royal Albert Hall are sold separately. 


Yes. Guests can attend graduation ceremonies in the Royal Albert Hall, and the departmental receptions which take place at various venues across the South Kensington campus.

Graduands are initially able to purchase up to two guest tickets for the ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall, in addition to two guest passes to the departmental receptions taking place across the South Kensington campus. 

Please note guest tickets to the ceremonies in the Royal Albert Hall are sold separately.

Graduation is a formal occasion and as a result may not be suitable for young children. Guest ceremony tickets for the Royal Albert Hall or guest department reception tickets must be purchased for any child of two years of age or older. Tickets are not required for children under two years of age if they do not require their own seat.

Children under 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult at all times whilst at the South Kensington Campus and by an adult guest of the relevant Graduand whilst at the Royal Albert Hall. Please note that it is not possible for a child to sit with a Graduand at any time at the Royal Albert Hall. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to allocate more than two guest tickets for the ceremony at the Royal Albert Hall and tow guest passes to the departmental receptions on South Kensignton campus. We are inviting more graduands than ever before and we want to offer everyone an equal opportunity to purchase tickets for their guests.

In the event additional tickets become available at a later stage, we will inform all graduands registered to attend via email after registration has closed.


Please check the UK Government guidance on whether you need a visa to travel to London. The International Student Support may also able to provide guidance on submitting your application.

If you or your guest(s) require a supporting visa invitation letter from Imperial College London, this can be requested in the event registration portal.

Please note that we will be unable to provide letters to support applications prior to registration being open, for graduands who are yet to be awarded or for graduands who have not registered their attendance.

Obtaining a visa might take several weeks and it is your responsibility to ensure you have completed all legal requirements before you travel.  

On the day

Ceremony timings for the Commemoration Day 2023 are being finalised but we will update as soon as possible. 

N.B. These ceremony timings are subject to change

Yes, we stream all of our Graduation ceremonies live here on our website and on the Imperial College London YouTube channel.

Graduation ceremonies are formal occasions and therefore smart dress is required. We also welcome traditional or national dress under your academic attire. We also encourage guests to wear smart attire.

The College reserves the right to refuse admittance to a graduate on Graduation Day should they not be wearing academic dress or are inappropriately dressed.

The College's 'Official Robemaker and Supplier of Academic Dress' is Ede & Ravenscroft Ltd, which will be the only provider of Academic Dress present on campus for all Graduation Ceremonies. You can see more details about academic dress here

Yes, professional photography will be supplied on the day by Tempest Photography, where graduands can take photos in their academic dress with family and friends.

There is no need to book an appointment and you can find information on the available photography packages ahead of the day by visiting the Tempest Photography website and selecting 'Not Graduated Yet?'

Contact us

You can contact the Graduation team by email. Our office is open from 09.00 until 17.00 Monday to Friday. 

  • Email the Graduation team
  • For ugrent issues that require a response within three working days, you can contact the Graduation team on +44 (0)20 7594 6131.

We aim to respond to emails within three working days.