Hands of different people

Welcome to the Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service

If you are in crisis or need to speak to someone urgently, please go to our other sources of support page here. If your query is not urgent you can email us directly at counselling@imperial.ac.uk and we will respond to you as soon as possible.

If you would like to meet with a member of our team, you can complete our online registration form here.

Once you have registered with us you will be offered an initial conversation with a member of our team where you will be invited to talk about any difficulties you may be experiencing and discuss together what type of support might be most helpful for you.

There are many possible next steps we might suggest during or following the initial appointment.

This may include:

  • Attending one of our psychoeducational workshops or bespoke courses
  • Joining one of our 8-week therapeutic groups
  • A referral to your GP
  • Signposting to other external, specialised services
  • Internal support from another department, such as your personal or senior tutor, your departmental wellbeing adviser, Chaplaincy, the Disability Advisory Service, the SU Advice Centre, etc.
  • Online self-directed Cognitive Behavioural Therapy called Silver Cloud, with specific modules on a range of topics such as stress, anxiety, panic, low mood, or body image
  • Other self-directed support, such as our Kind Mind video series or written self-help guides
  • Brief-counselling with our Service (up to 5 sessions)
  • Longer-term or open-ended therapy with an external service

You can also contact your department's Wellbeing Advisors/Welfare Officers, who are there to offer confidential pastoral support and assist you in managing academic concerns. Find the name of your Wellbeing Advisor/Welfare Officer here

If you have concerns about yourself or another student, you can also refer to the Student Mental Health Intervention Officers by completing the Concerned About a Student Form. You can find out more about our Student Mental Health Intervention Officers on their dedicated page.    


It is important that you are registered with a GP surgery (also called practices) near where you live so that you have appropriate and immediate access to emergency care and health services quickly should you need it. Your GP (general practitioner/doctor) will be your first point of contact for most physical and mental health concerns, so it is important you are registered, particularly if you have any ongoing health conditions. If you are a UK student and registered with a GP in another part of the country, we recommend that you swap your registration to a nearby practice in London so you have appropriate access to health care services when needed. If you go home during the holidays you should still be able to make an appointment at your previous local GP surgery as a temporary patient.

We are unable to offer appointments to students outside of the UK due to legislative and licensing policies. We acknowledge this can feel difficult and disappointing for students currently abroad. CALM have created a list of Mental Health Charities in different countries who may be able to provide help and support for any students outside of the UK. You can also find a list of international helplines and crisis support here. International students can also access SilverCloud – an online platform that offers immediate access to online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. Additionally, you can find other sources of support via the resources linked on our webpages. You are more than welcome to contact us for an appointment upon your return to the UK.

We have a large library of resources in the boxes below that you may find useful in the boxes below.

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