Access UG SOLE survey

UG SOLE dates

Summer 2021

25 May 2021 - 22 June 2021

SOLE is the College's central Student Online Evaluation tool. All surveys are anonymous and your department/College is not able to identify you. The survey results are thoroughly discussed by your Student Representatives and departmental staff. If you have any questions on how SOLE results have encouraged change in your department please contact your student representative.

UG SOLE surveys are managed by the Registry Surveys Team for Engineering & Natural Sciences students and by the Faculty of Medicine Quality Assurance and Enhancement Team for the Medicine students.

ug sole

This survey runs at the end of each term (although there are some departmental variations). It surveys all undergraduate students on their modules and the lecturers who have taught those modules. The UG SOLE module/lecturer evaluation consists of two sets of questions asked per module and per lecturer. The results of this survey are sent direct to the individual lecturers as well as to their Head of Department and Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Lecturer questions: (asked for all lecturers on each module)

To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding the lecturer(s) on this module:

1) The lecturer explained the material well
2) The lecturer generated interest and enthusiasm
3) The lecturer was approachable
4) Overall, I am satisfied with this lecturer
5) Please use this box to provide any additional constructive feedback to this lecturer: free text section

Module questions: (asked for all modules)

To what extent do you agree with the following statements regarding this module:

1) The content of the module is well structured
2) The content of the module is intellectually stimulating (NB this question might not be included in FoM surveys)
3) Where applicable, I have received helpful feedback on my work submitted so far
4) Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the module
5) Please use this box to provide any additional constructive feedback on this module. Students with a disability are invited to make specific suggestions for improvement that would assist them: free text section

The scale for the questions will be: “Definitely Agree, Mostly Agree, Neither Agree or Disagree, Mostly Disagree, Definitely Disagree, Not applicable”

This is a termly module/lecturer evaluation for undergraduate students who have attended Imperial Horizons (Centre for Co-Curricular Studies to the Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication (CLCC) modules. It consists of two sets of questions asked per module and per lecturer. The results of this survey are sent direct to the individual lecturers as well as to their Head of the Centre for Co-Curricular Studies to the Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication (CLCC).

This is a termly module/lecturer evaluation for undergraduate students who have attended the Business School's Business for Professional Engineers and Scientists (BPES) modules. It consists of two sets of questions asked per module and per lecturers. The results of this survey are sent direct to the individual lecturers as well as to their Head of Department.

A termly survey for students in the departments of Chemistry and Physics.

Your lecturers will receive their individual numerical results and comments shortly after the survey closes.

This is an opportunity for you to provide constructive feedback to help us to improve.  Constructive feedback will help your lecturers understand what they are doing well (so they can do more of it) as well as what they can do better. Please use specific examples and only give examples of what you have seen the lecturer say or do.

The College is committed to promoting and ensuring a working environment where individuals are treated with respect and courtesy. Student survey responses may not be used to insult members of staff or students. Your feedback should be factual and should focus on your lecturer’s actions/behaviour. The use of offensive language or personal, discriminatory or abusive remarks are unacceptable.

You should be aware that comments which may cause offence will be removed from the results. Whist this survey is anonymous, you are also cautioned to avoid self-identification by referring to personal or other identifying information in your free text comments.

Instead of sayingSay
  I think my lecturer is great  

I think my lecturer is great because she takes the time to check we
have understood each new concept before moving on

 My lecturer is difficult to understand  

My lecturer is difficult to understand because he talks very quickly
and often stands with his back to us when explaining his slides

 I’m too scared to ask my lecturer to clarify things I don’t understand On two occasions my lecturer has laughed at mistakes by other students, this means I don’t want to ask my lecturer to clarify things I don’t understand for fear I may be ridiculed
 Helpful notes  

It was helpful to have the lecture notes available on Blackboard in
advance of the lecture

Summary of the table's contents