Postgraduate research experience survey (PRES)
The Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES) is a national survey of postgraduate research students organised by Advance HE which invites them to comment on their programme and experience. The College takes part in PRES every two years and is now open. The results are considered by departments and the College and used to inform action planning.
PRES 2021
Now open!
PRES 2021 is open for response until midnight on Monday 17 May 2021. A unique link to complete the survey will be sent to all eligible students by email. If you have not received a link, please contact the Registry Surveys Team (
PRES 2019
The survey opened on Thursday 25 April and closed on Friday 17 May 2019. A participation rate of 50% was achieved.
You can see the results here: PRES 2019 results
PRES 2017
PRES was open from Tuesday 25 April to Thursday 18 May 2017 and achieved a participation rate of 59%.
You can see the results here: PRES 2017 results
PRES 2015
PRES was open from March to May 2015 and achieved a participation rate of 42.9%.
You can see the results here: PRES 2015 results