a student and supervisor in the lab

Doctoral students and their supervisors work together to produce ground-breaking and quality research

Doctoral students and their supervisors are jointly responsible for working together to adhere to the College time-frame of 4 years between registration and submission of the PhD thesis.

Although the relationship is one of cooperation and working together, both student and supervisors have individual responsibilities and expectations of each other, as detailed below.

Responsibilities and expectations of students and supervisors

Choosing a research project and supervisor that best fits your scientific interests is fundamental when thinking about where to apply to study for a research degree. Once you have discussed the research project with your supervisor, you may which to discuss other aspects of Imperial and supervision which will contribute to your overall experience.

The document in the following link is intended to help you explore what it is like to carry out research at Imperial College London in your chosen research field and suggests topics you may wish to discuss with your proposed supervisor when you visit the College - Guidance for postgraduate research applicants.Pdf