This support project integrates with the leading excellence project. Together they provide a comprehensive provision of accessibility and support.

Consultation with students and staff has dominated every stage of this project.  

We have established a residential Writing Retreat, designed to support students in the later stages of their PhD and implemented in partnership with the Centre for Academic English. It is a two day programme comprising short plenary sessions, 1-2-1 coaching and importantly, time and space for students to write.    Following this, further Retreats have been implemented for doctoral students at all stages of the PhD.  Specifically, an International Teams Retreat to enhance working well in global teams and a Research Impact and Influence Retreat exploring the importance of connecting to and working with other disciplines.  Read more about our retreats here.  

Secondly, a doctoral student coaching programme has been established.  Students can attend up to four sessions with a qualified coach.  The coaching programme is open to all research students and is designed to focus on self-development issues and supporting students to develop effective partnerships with supervisors.   Read more about the coaching programme here.

Thirdly, a new online course for supervisors called, “Supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Imperial’s Doctoral Students,” is being developed.  The course, inspired by themes emerging from the coaching programme, the Writing Retreat and student surveys, is tailored to specifically highlight to supervisors the challenges faced by Imperial’s research students.  This is illustrated by specific examples drawn from our student population.  Additionally, an online guidebook for supervisors will be launched in spring 2017.