The Graduate School has undertaken a range of research and development projects to improve the student experience. These are highlighted below:

Research and the Student Experience

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Information to follow shortly

Information to follow shortly

Information to follow shortly

Re-evaluating doctoral researchers' well-being: what has changed in five years?

Hargreaves, C.E.a*, De Wilde, J.Pa., Juniper, Bb. and Walsh, Eai.
Graduate School, Imperial College London, 327 Sherfield Building, South Kensington Campus, London SW7 2AZ, UK.
Work and Well‐being Ltd. 17 Osprey Quay, Emsworth, Hants PO10 8BZUK

Ms Elaine Walsh, Independent Educational Consultant from October 2014
*Corresponding author. Email:

Well-being is a key indicator of social progress and is used internationally for policy formation and economic development. Doctoral researchers are strategic contributors to the knowledge and innovation led economy and their well-being throughout the doctorate therefore warrants attention. This research intensive university carried out the first well-being study of doctoral researchers using a clinically approved methodology (Impact Analysis) in 2009. Five years later the exercise was repeated to identify any changes.

With 1248 respondents to the 2014 survey (~40% response rate), overall wellbeing scores remained satisfactory, yet levels of stress and frustration related to research, as well as career uncertainty, had increased compared to the earlier study. Well-being was also lower for women and for later stage doctoral researchers. Recommendations emerged to enhance doctoral well-being and contribute to both the research experience and institutional development.

Please click here to read the full paper - Well Being Paper.pdf

With support from the Imperial College Union and GSA, research was carried out into the wellbeing of PhD students at Imperial College London 2009 followed by a second survey in 2014. From the 2009 results, where 1202 PhD students responded, the top three most troublesome items were:

The 2014 is currently being analysed. It is crucial to understand that all researchers experience setbacks, confusion and difficulties in their work. Newer researchers often experience a loss of confidence at these times. Instead, it is helpful to realise that such problems are a normal part of research life and to be proactive in getting appropriate support and feedback and in managing stress levels. The links below provide information, questions to consider and some guidance.

Well Being Information for Supervisors [Pdf]

Well Being Information for Students [Pdf]

You may find the Stress Management Workshop helpful if you are experiencing any of the difficulties mentioned above.