Postgraduate Research Student Welcome Event
17 October 2022 | 12:15-15:00
The Great Hall, 2nd Floor, Sherfield Building, South Kensington Campus
The Graduate School would like to invite you to the postgraduate research student welcome event, which will be held in the Great Hall, Level 2, Sherfield Building, South Kensington campus. The programme will consist of introductory talks from Senior College and Graduate School representatives, as well as members of the Imperial College Union (ICU), and will be followed by refreshments and the chance to meet other students as well as to speak to a number of support services within the College who will have stands at the event. Please feel free to drop in throughout the afternoon.
You will be introduced to key members of staff from across the College and given an overview of the Graduate School and our available initiatives, all of which are aimed at supporting you throughout your time here at Imperial College. You will also hear directly from your Union representatives about the provision they have on offer and why it is vital for you to engage with them.
The Programme
The programme for the event will be as follows,
- 12:25-12:30 – Welcome and Introduction from Professor Yun Xu (Director of the Graduate School)
- 12:30-12:45 – Welcome from Professor Ian Walmsley (Provost)
- 12:45-12:55 – Information about the Graduate School’s Provision from Dr Magdalena Jara (Head of Pedagogy, Graduate School)
- 12:55-13:00 – Welcome from Niamh McAuley (Deputy President), Imperial College Union
- 13:00-15:00 – Refreshments and opportunity to talk to Support Services
The Support Stands
Amongst the support services available for you to speak to informally will be:
- Graduate School
- Imperial College Union (ICU)
- Careers Service
- Library Services
- Societal Engagement
- Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication
- Centre for Academic English
- Imperial Enterprise Lab & Imperial College Advanced Hackspace
- International Student Support
- Chaplaincy Multi-Faith Centre
- Student Counselling and Mental Health Advice Service
- Student Financial Support
- Disability Advisory Service
To register
If you would like to attend, please click on the following link and complete the short online booking form.
*Please note that this is event is open to Postgraduate Doctoral students only.