Aerial view of the South Kensington Campus

This text was added to the Banner Text editor window, as was this link to Google. If no text is added this bar will appear as a thin block of colour underneath the image.

The correct image size you should use for this banner is 3000px wide by 850px high at 72DPI resolution.

The Banner - bottom block is designed as an impact banner that can be used on the Landing page with sidebar and a standard Content page and is used to give pages a strong visual impression. It is designed for the top of your page, bottom block just refers to the block of colour under the image.

This banner should be used only once on a page.

This content type automatically appears at the top of the page irrespective of its position in the content list.


1. Add a Banner - bottom block content type to the relevant page in your site structure. (Find out how to add a content type to a section).

2. Adding this banner is straightforward, once you add your Banner - bottom block, you'll see a short form with four fields:

Field title What should I do? Is it compulsory?
Name* Name the block and give it a concise description e.g. BannerBlk - training page Yes
New Banner image* Click Select media to choose a image from the Media Library or to upload a new image. An image of 3000 pixels (wide) by 850 pixels (high) is required for this content type. Please view the guidance on adding and selecting images in the Media Library. Yes
Banner text Text in the coloured bottom bar No
Colour* Allows you to choose from the Primary, Secondary A or Secondary B colour from your chosen colour theme. Yes, defaults to Primary


NB: Only the name, image and colour are compulsory, if the Banner Text field is left empty the coloured bar will still appear.

Here is an example screenshot of the Banner bottom block content type input window and editor. There is a very limited range of options in the editor for this content type.

Form to add a banner - bottom block content type

 3. Select Save and approve to save your changes.

Save and approve option