Referring to webpages

When writing about a webpage in print, only the first word (and any proper nouns) should be capitalised. Consider using the URL, rather than the name of the page, for greater clarity.

When writing about a webpage online, the descriptive text can be hyperlinked.

For example:

  • A complete list of undergraduate courses offered at Imperial can be found in the Study pages of the College’s website.
  • For a complete list of undergraduate courses at Imperial, please visit the Study pages.
  • (Online) A complete list of undergraduate courses can be found in the Study pages.

Online, web links text should never contain web addresses, eg. For the Brand and Style Guide visit:

Links should always be in plain English and ideally contain the title of the target page, for example, visit the Brand and style guide.

In print, use the full web address, including www., eg. To read the magazine, visit Do not use http:// before a web address unless it is necessary to the functionality of the address (this is the case for certain secure websites, when ‘https://’ may be required for the web address to be accessible).

Note that popular social media websites should generally be capitalised. For example:

  • Follow Imperial on Twitter: @imperialcollege
  • Imperial is on Facebook: @imperialcollegelondon
  • Share photos of Imperial with us on Instagram: @imperialcollege
  • Imperial recently joined Snapchat: @imperialcollege

Email addresses

When referring to the email address of an individual in print, the person’s full name should be included alongside their email address.

When referring to someone online their name should be linked to their email address.

For example: