Hyphenation, no hyphenation, one word or two words?

0-9 and A-E; F-L

0-9; A-E

  • 3D printing
  • antimicrobial
  • award-winning
  • computer-generated
  • co-operation
  • co-operative
  • co-ordinate
  • cross disciplinary
  • cross-reference
  • crowdsourcing
  • crowdfunding
  • decision-making
  • decommissioning
  • electromagnetic
  • email (not e-mail)
  • en suite
  • every day (frequency), everyday (habitual)
  • evidence-based
  • extracurricular


  • field station
  • field trip
  • field work
  • full-time (not full time)
  • fundraising, fundraiser
  • hands-on
  • high-tech
  • interdisciplinary
  • healthcare (not health care)
  • infra-red
  • large scale
  • log in, log out
  • low-cost

M-P; R-Z


  • manmade
  • microorganism
  • multidisciplinary
  • multimedia
  • multinational
  • multilingual
  • multi-storey
  • multi-user
  • nanotechnology
  • non-linear
  • no-one
  • north-west; north-east
  • one-of-a-kind
  • one-to-one
  • out-of-hours
  • part-time
  • policy making, policy makers
  • postholder (no hyphen and lower case)


  • research-intensive
  • seed funding
  • sign in, sign out
  • spin-in
  • spinout
  • startup
  • state-of-the-art
  • south-west; south-east
  • textbook
  • third party
  • thought-leader
  • ultra-violet
  • webpage
  • website
  • weekday
  • wellbeing
  • Wi-Fi
  • world-class
  • world-leading
  • worldwide