• accommodate, accommodation
  • adviser (advisor is correct, but more common in US English)
  • affect (verb – to act upon/influence), effect (noun – result)
  • ageing
  • alternative (another option), alternate (to take turns)
  • commemorate, commemoration
  • dependant (noun),
  • dependent (adjective)
  • ensure (make certain), insure (against risks)
  • entrepreneurial
  • entrepreneurship
  • farther (distance), further (additional)
  • focuses
  • foetus, foetal
  • fulfil, fulfilling
  • judgment
  • innocuous
  • inoculate
  • install, instalment, installation
  • liaise, liaison
  • practice (noun), practise (verb)
  • programme (for example, television programme), program (only in software context)
  • queuing
  • rhythm
  • stationary (not moving), stationery (pens and paper)

If you're not sure about the spelling of a word that isn't included on this list, contact the Style Guide.