General titles

Specific job titles should be capitalised, but generic job titles do not require capitalisation.

For example:

  • Sarah Porter Waterbury was appointed Vice-President (Advancement) in 2015.
  • In his research, Professor Kim Christensen, Professor of Theoretical Physics at Imperial, explores why we are more likely to develop an abnormal heartbeat with age.
  • As Head of the Dyson School of Design Engineering, Professor Peter Childs has overall responsibility for the discipline of Engineering Design at Imperial.
  • Students who register with the Careers Service can meet careers advisors to discuss their applications.
  • The College’s research media officers can help you communicate your research more effectively.

People and titles

The first time a member of academic staff is mentioned, their title, forename and surname should be used. Thereafter, title and surname only should generally be used. Forename only may be used in certain less formal contexts, as long as the full title and name is used in the first instance, and use of the forename only is consistent throughout the piece of writing.

For example:

  • (External-facing news item) Professor Chris Toumazou was awarded the Regius Professorship in October 2013. Professor Toumazou is a pioneer in the field of biomedical engineering.
  • (Current staff- or student-oriented news item) Professor Maggie Dallman is one of the leaders of the Reach Out CPD programme. In 2014, Maggie returned to her former primary school to see the initiative in action.

When referring to a student or a member of professional staff (without an academic title), forename and surname should be used at the first mention, and generally forename only thereafter. In a formal context, title, forename and surname should be used at first mention, with title and surname used thereafter.

For example:

  • (General use) Tom Wheeler was elected President of the Students’ Union in 2014. Tom holds a BSc in Physics from Imperial.
  • (Award citation) Mrs Karen Tweddle was recognised for her work to enhance teaching quality in the Business School. Mrs Tweddle is Head of Teaching and Quality at the School.


The President of Imperial is Professor Alice P. Gast. On first mention of the President in a piece of writing, use the President's full name and title:

  • Professor Alice P. Gast, President of Imperial College London

Subsequent mentions can be abbreviated to 'President Gast' or 'the President'.


Professor Ian Walmsley is Imperial's Provost. On first mention of the Provost in a piece of writing, use the Provost's full name and title:

  • Professor Ian Walmsley, Provost of Imperial College London

Subsequent mentions can be abbreviated to 'Professor Walmsley' or 'the Provost'.

Senior officers

Some senior officers use Imperial-specific titles:

  • Vice-President
  • Vice-Provost
  • Associate Provost
  • Assistant Provost

The title should be followed by the area that the member of staff is responsible for in brackets, for example 'Professor David Gann, Vice-President (Innovation)'.

Find out more

Read a full list of senior officers and their job titles on the College website.