You can download a PowerPoint template to produce your own research poster in A0 and A1 size from the College's Asset Library. For each size option, there are two different landscape and portrait layouts options to choose from.

How to use the template

Each template includes a column grid to help you lay out your columns, as well as text fields and examples of where to place images.

Changing the text size

You can change the size of the type using the ‘increase indent’ and ‘decrease indent’ buttons on the Home tab of the PowerPoint toolbar. The indent buttons are located in the ‘Paragraph’ section of the tab and will allow you to change between nine different type levels:

There are nine type levels to choose from:

  1. Level one can be used for general text.
  2. Level two can be used for subtitles within body copy and should be underlined with a 4pt blue line.
  3. Level three can be used for introduction and overview text at the start of a section. Certain key points can be highlighted by changing the text colour to blue.
  4. Level four can be used as a second subheading style.
  5. Level five can be used as a third subheading style.
  6. Level six can be used for pull-out quotes.
  7. Level seven can be used to add a source for your quote.
  8. Level eight can be used for a first line of bullet points.
  9. Level nine can be used for a second line of bullet points.

Adding bullet points

Use type levels eight and nine to add bullet points to your poster. We do not recommend using the bullet button, as this will not apply the correct formatting to your poster. 

Divider rules

You will need to add any divider rules manually. To make things easier, you can also copy examples included in the template file.

Adding pictures

Each template includes picture placeholders, which you can use as a guide to lay out your poster. You can move and adjust the placeholders, and also add images to other content areas.

Adding an ORCID iD

If you have an authenticated ORCID iD, you can add this to your research poster. The ORCID website includes detailed guidance on how to display ORCID iDs in print materials.

Download the templates

A0 size

A0 landscape poster option 1 (.pptx)‌

A0 landscape poster option 2 (.pptx)‌

A0 portrait poster option 1 (.pptx)‌

A0 portrait poster option 2 (.pptx)‌

A1 size

A1 landscape poster option 1 (.pptx)‌

A1 landscape poster option 2 (.pptx)‌

A1 portrait poster option 1 (.pptx)‌

A1 portrait poster option 2 (.pptx)‌