When you are presenting on behalf of the College to internal or external audiences, we recommend that you use one of the College’s branded PowerPoint templates to create your slides. Staff and students can download these templates from the College's Asset Library.

Blank PowerPoint templates

Download a blank Imperial PowerPoint template and add your own content:

In order to ensure your presentation is accessible for as many people as possible, we encourage you to use one of the above templates, ensuring you keep the off-white background – whether that’s cream, light grey or light blue. These background colours were chosen on the advice of the Disability Advisory Service and are an excellent accessibility measure for those with needs ranging from a Specific Learning Difficulty (e.g. dyslexia) to those experiencing screen fatigue. Make sure you also use a dark sans serif font (ideally black or very dark blue) and avoid using unnecessary italics, underlines and capitals.

Read more about inclusive learning and teaching in the College’s teaching online toolkit

This is Imperial presentation template

The 'This is Imperial' PowerPoint presentation template contains pre-made slides about the College. You can use some or all of these slides in your own presentation to external audiences.