If you have any queries or require assistance with the production of Imperial College London publicity materials, please contact the Communications team with details of your project via Style Guide.

If you are getting in touch about a new piece of communication, please provide the following details so we can consider the most helpful recommendations for you:

  1. Objectives - why is this communication needed, what do you want your audience to do after getting the communication?
  2. Audience - who is it for?
  3. Message - what do you want to say?
  4. Does the material have to be printed? Could it be distributed by email or would a webpage work better?
  5. If you definitely need print - how many copies do you want?
  6. Budget for design and print - how much do you have to spend?


The Imperial College London logo is our visual identity, which enables us to be distinguished from competitors.

The need to strengthen our reputation globally was identified as a priority in the College strategic plan in 2002. The Imperial College London graphic identity represents an important clarification of our attributes as an organisation, and how we can best present them to the outside world. It allows us to communicate our work successfully to those unfamiliar with Imperial.

The logo and graphic identity guidelines have been created to help non-specialists create high-quality Imperial communications quickly and easily. 

When you use the Imperial College London logo, it sends a message about you, your department and the College. The logo instantly invokes the power of the College's legacy and reputation, and tells the world that you are a part of that heritage. 

The logo is part of our graphic identity system, and is intended as a 'stamp' of identity. A simple design was chosen to maximise legibility and recognition across all applications. The burden is placed on other elements (content, tone of voice, photography, etc.) to convey our personality.

For maximum effect, an organisation can only have one visual device, or logo, to identify it. The use of others means it takes longer to identify us and gives our competitors an advantage.

The crest is an important part of our brand. It is reserved for uses that promote the heritage and history of the College, such as: degree certificates, invitations from senior staff to certain formal College events, sports team apparel, merchandise reflecting our heritage and history (regalia).

It should not be used to identify the modern institution that Imperial has become today, for example on signage, publications, websites, stationery or presentations.

All uses of the crest must be be approved or licensed. Please contact Style Guide for further information.

You can help by following our guidelines for the logo and crest.

We have specified fonts for different applications. These have been selected to support our visual identity, in addition they are fully compliant with Equality Act 2010 guidelines for readability. The Equality Act 2010 came into effect in October 2010.

No, existing departmental and service logos are not permitted. Having multiple individual identities throughout the College leads to a devaluation, and dilution, of the overall Imperial identity.

By ensuring that all staff, students, centres and departments work under the single umbrella of the Imperial graphic identity with one logo, we can present a consistent and professional image to our audiences. We all benefit from the global reputation of the Imperial name.

However, the Communications department can assist you with creating a unique 'look and feel' for your department within the College's brand guidelines.

Imperial College London is the name we use to portray, promote and position ourselves.

The footer carries the full legal name of the College in compliance with the Business Names Act 1985. This will continue to be used for contractual purposes.

As it is not possible to guarantee colour fidelity, ink density, etc., on local printers, downloadable letterheads are available only in black. This is to ensure consistency and quality in our public image.

You can use pre-printed colour stationery from Office Depot as an alternative.

The footer in PowerPoint templates, including copyright information, is included specifically for printed slides, which are often circulated independently of a title slide - hence without any indication of Intellectual Property. Individuals are welcome to substitute their own name in place of Imperial College London.