Award schemes are an excellent way to gain recognition for your own achievements or to celebrate a colleague or team. A number of internal and external award schemes are open to Imperial technicians - check out our list below.

 Want to make a nomination but not sure where to start? Get in touch.

List of Awards

Imperial has a number of different award schemes in place to recognise the achievements and hard work of staff at the College. These awards are for all staff, at all levels, who have shown outstanding commitment and demonstrated a valuable contribution to the College's mission.

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The HE Bioscience Technician of the Year Award is open to technical staff at any stage in their career, employed in a teaching, research or management role in the HE bioscience sector.

Nominations are now closed.

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The Institution of Engineering and Technology’s Achievement Awards recognise individuals who stand out from their peers and have made noteworthy achievements in their area of expertise. Nominations are closed now.

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The Institute of Physics Technician Award highlights the diverse role of technicians in education, research and industry. The winner receives a prize of £1,000, a trophy and a certificate presented at the IOP annual awards dinner.

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The IST award for Outstanding trainee or apprentice acknowledges the exceptional contribution that newly trained technicians are bringing to the technical workforce, and recognises the effort and dedication required to successfully qualify.

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Held biennially, the Papin Prizes recognise the skills, talent and experience of technicians in higher education and research. The next round of prizes will be advertised in 2021.

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The Royal Society of Chemistry’s HE Technical Excellence Award is for individuals or teams demonstrating exceptional contributions to technical support within the HE sector.

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The CPD Awards celebrate outstanding professional development in science, showcasing examples of good practice and continuous improvement. They celebrate the professional development efforts and achievements of registrants across the four Science Council registers: Registered Science Technician (RSciTech), Registered Scientist (RSci), Chartered Scientist (CSci) and Chartered Science Teacher (CSciTeach).

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The Times Higher Education Outstanding Technician of the Year Award is open to technicians working in any discipline in UK HEIs and research institutes and will be given to an individual whose exceptional practical skills, commitment and vision have enabled the highest quality teaching, research or knowledge transfer.

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The purpose of this award is to raise the profile of technician as a career path for girls who want a hands-on practical role. Are you a technician working in STEM who loves what you do? Will your story help inspire the next generation of technicians? If so, share your story with girls and women who might find their niche as a technician by nominating yourself, or someone you know.

Nominations are closed now.

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