No. However, it is a useful and portable 'qualification' and recognised in the UK Higher Education sector as well internationally. It provides national recognition of your commitment to professionalism in teaching and learning in higher education; and demonstrates that your practice is aligned with the UK Professional Standards Framework (UKPSF).

The length of time to achieve STAR recognition will depend on an individual’s professional circumstances and experience. An applicant who is new to teaching may take longer to complete their application than someone who already has a lot of experience and can put together an application relatively quickly.

Our introductory workshop will guide you towards deciding which level of fellowship to apply for. Alternatively, you can read our handbook or contact us.

The STAR Framework is a CPD process, and therefore previous qualifications and experience will be helpful in writing your application.

Having already completed these course you will be well placed to write your application - or may have already achieved Associate Fellowship or Fellowship. Come to one of our drop-in support sessions to discuss your options.

No. This is because Imperial was not a member of the HEA at this time. You will need to submit a formal application, but your portfolio will make an excellent starting point. We will also help you to maximise the impact of the work you did for the PG Cert in your final application.

No - it will depend on your own professional development needs.

All relevant education experience can form part of your PG Cert. Details of this will depend on personal context and will be considered on an individual basis.

The STAR Framework is free for all those with appropriate contractual connections to Imperial College which is a subscribing member of the HEA. If you are not sure, please contact us.

Applications for each of the different descriptor levels have a different word count: