Relationships and family
Problems at home or within relationships can put great pressure on students and distract them from their university work. The most helpful thing you can do is listen, without making assumptions, and give the student time and space to air their concerns. Then ask them what they want to do about the issue, if anything, and how you could be of assistance, to avoid falling into the trap of giving your tutee your solution to their problem. See the advice on Using the OARS (Open questions, Affirmations, Reflective listening and Summaries).
It may be that the issues a tutee raises would be considered as mitigating circumstances, in which case you should advise them accordingly. You should not share any information about an Imperial student outside the College, including with their parents or legal guardians, without their explicit written consent.
- Imperial Student Support Zone has advice on Bereavement and loss.
- StandAlone has specific advice for students who have no contact with their families.
- The NUS has advice for students who are also carers.
Imperial College can offer a range of support to those students having spent at least 3 months in local authority care, which may include foster care, or living in a residential care home. You can access further information on the range of support available on the Care Leavers webpages.