Assessment and exams
Tutor's tip
"Know about the course that they are studying especially the assessments because these are the biggest sources of anxiety." (Personal Tutor, Department of Medicine)
It is important to give accurate and timely advice and support on assessment-related matters to your tutees. There are many reasons for this, including the impact they have on student wellbeing. According to Imperial’s Mentality report, exams and assessment are the single greatest source of anxiety for Imperial students. You should also be aware of the powerful grapevine spreading myths (as well as advice) about assessment that you could help to dispel. Ask your tutees about their concerns, correct misconceptions and explain the educational value of the assessment to help them prepare and engage appropriately.
Registry has official guidance on aspects such as resits, plagiarism, appeals etc.
The Developing Students section of these pages has advice on guiding students in their assessment and exam preparations.
The Health Centre also has guidance for managing exam-related stress.
Students with physical disabilities, learning disabilities or other special needs may be entitled to special arrangements in their examinations such as extra time or permission to use a PC.