Vaccination recommendations
Vaccination recommendations for specific work activities
Activity | Immunisation | Status | Comment | Booster doses required |
Undergraduate Medical courses Biomedical Science courses involving patient contact Clinical work (NHS Honorary Contract or equivalent) |
Hepatitis B | Mandatory | Series of 3 vaccinations & blood test necessary to complete schedule. This can take up to 7 months to complete. Accelerated courses are administered to lab workers. Annual Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBSAg)screening required for non-responders undertaking Exposure Prone Procedures (Medical Students and NHS Honorary Contract holders) |
Accelerated courses and “poor” responders in line with PHE guidance, DOH Green Book |
MMR (Measles, Mumps Rubella) | Mandatory | Evidence of two vaccinations or positive serology required as proof of immunity to measles & rubella. Some clinical settings require evidence of Mumps Immunity if evidence of 2 MMR not available. | ||
Tuberculosis (BCG) | Recommended | Testing for pre-existing immunity from earlier vaccination or exposure to mycobacteria required before vaccination. | No | |
Chickenpox | Mandatory | Only if no past history of infection and a negative blood test | No | |
Other patient contact (Social) | As for clinical work | Exact requirements can vary between NHS Trusts Hepatitis B not usually required – Risk Assessment |
No | |
Laboratory work with human blood, serum or unfixed tissue | Hepatitis B | Recommended | Usually recommended unless samples actively screened for hepatitis or sourced from a screened population or an individual's involvement in the work lasts for less than eight weeks. Vaccination is not required if not directly involved in handling or for short-term use of blood in practical classes. Accelerated course is completed within a month |
No |
Deliberate work with Hepatitis B cultures | Hepatitis B | Mandatory | No | |
Deliberate work with N. Meningitides cultures | Meningitis | Mandatory | Vaccine choice (ACWY, B or C- conjugate) will be dependent on strains in use. The risk assessment for the work should specify | 5 years depending on level of risk (risk assessment should specify) |
Other laboratory work with human pathogens | Relevant vaccine | Recommended | Vaccination usually recommended if available. Decision will be based on risk assessment. Risk assessment for the work should be passed to the Occupational Health Physician for decision |
Overseas travel | Variable | Variable | Recommendations will be based on risk assessment which considers destination, duration of stay & activities undertaken. Vaccination is likely for fieldwork or stays of more than a few days in countries other than Northern and Central Europe and North America. Recommendations will be made in line with those from UK reference authorities (NATHNAC) |
Variable |
Maintenance work | Tetanus, Hepatitis A | Recommended | Only maintenance staff whose work may involve regular contact with sewage. | Hepatitis A: single booster at one year |
Early Years Educators | As for clinical work | Recommended | Hepatitis B not required | |
Grounds maintenance | Tetanus | Recommended | Most adults have lasting immunity from childhood vaccinations | |
Cleaning | None | Not applicable | Risk assessment may dictate urgent Hep B vaccination if inoculation accident with discarded needle | |
Welding | Pneumococcus | Recommended | Recommended for anyone carrying out welding more than once per week. Anyone welding for >4 hours per month, on average, may be vaccinated on request. |
No |
Additional control measures for individuals who decline or do not respond to vaccinations or where individual vaccination is contra-indicated on health grounds
Immunisation | Comment |
Hepatitis B |
TB |
N. Meningitides (research work) |
Revision History
August 2018: Reviewed (Claire O'Brien, Director of Occupational Health)