MEd in University Learning and Teaching
Further information
Course Directors
Dr Iro Ntonia and Dr Richard Bale
Programme Support Coordinator
Vilma Rupeikaite -
Course outline and context
The MEd is the third of a three-stage approach to the study of teaching and learning in the University setting. It follows on from the PG Certificate and Diploma and provides training and support in education research methodology and allows participants to investigate and inform their practice with valid educational enquiry.
Taught component
The MEd has an element of face-to-face teaching and group activities that provides an overview of research methods in education and reinforces understanding of the role and nature of research and evaluation in education. The activities, teaching and online support build towards a research proposal that forms the basis of the education enquiry research project.
This component has approximately 30 teaching hours and together with the production of a detailed research proposal carries a tariff of 5 ECTS. There are three additional seminars during the academic year at which students receive further peer and tutor support.
The last part of the Master’s is an educational enquiry project in any aspect of university education. For this research project the student works with an individual supervisor and uses the skills gained from the previous stages to devise and undertake an appropriately referenced and theoretically grounded research project based in their own personal and disciplinary context. This may involve quantitative, qualitative or mixed educational research methodology but it is expected to show criticality, reflection and engagement with both generic and discipline specific educational practice and theory gained from the previous stages.
Assessment is by submission of a dissertation of up to 20,000 words and by an oral exam. The research proposal, project and oral exam carry a total tariff of 30 ECTS.
Programme specification
Imperial College works closely with employers and industry, including Industrial Advisory Panels to design Master’s courses which provide graduates with technical knowledge, expertise and transferable skills and to encourage students to take internships and placements. All Master’s courses are designed with employer needs in mind with some Master’s courses accredited by Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies. Most Master’s courses offer an opportunity to carry out research projects in industry.