people sitting in a lecture hall

MEd ULT research presentations and prize-giving


Our March 2021 event was held on Microsoft Teams and celebrated students from our 2019-20 cohort. After an introduction from Professor Alan Spivey, Assistant Provost (Teaching and Learning), three recent MEd ULT graduates presented on their research:

  • Dr Wayne Mitchell, Department of Immunology and Inflammation: ‘Being an Imperial College student: A phenomenographic investigation into Black British students’ ‘Sense of Belonging’ at Imperial College’
  • Dr Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala, National Heart and Lung Institute: ‘“To Grant or Not to Grant?”: Medical educators and students perspectives on grant writing as a formal assessment method’
  • Dr Anne Burke-Gaffney, National Heart and Lung Institute: ‘Pitching Pharmacology for Master’s Level Learning: Purposefully Walking with Waymarks’

We also heard from our prize-winners from across the three stages of the ULT programme:

  • Dr Camille Gajria, Department of Primary Care and Public Health, PG Cert ULT portfolio prize 
  • Dr Neepa Thacker, Department of Primary Care and Public Health, PG Dip ULT Library Project prize 
  • Dr Wayne Mitchell, Department of Immunology and Inflammation, MEd ULT dissertation prize 


Resources from 2021

‘Being an Imperial College student: Sense of belonging' [pdf] - Dr Wayne Mitchell, Department of Immunology and Inflammation

‘To Grant or Not to Grant?” [pdf] - Dr Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala, National Heart and Lung Institute‌

'Pitching Pharmacology for Master’s Level Learning' [pdf] - Dr Anne Burke-Gaffney, National Heart and Lung Institute

An annual event to celebrate students on our MEd in University Learning and Teaching programme. We hear from recent graduates on their MEd research and present awards to the winners of the annual PG Cert, PG Dip and MEd prizes.

MEd ULT research presentations and prize-giving

An annual event to celebrate students on our MEd in University Learning and Teaching programme. We hear from recent graduates on their MEd research and present awards to the winners of the annual PG Cert, PG Dip and MEd prizes