Education Day 2015: 'students as partners'

Over 150 Imperial staff, students and external guest speakers came together to discuss the possibilities and practicalities of engaging 'students as partners'.

Wednesday 11 March 2015
Sir Alexander Fleming Building
South Kensington campus

Innovative developments at Imperial and beyond inspired the theme for Imperial’s Education Day 2015: ‘students as partners’. The event addressed the following questions:

In the spirit of this theme the event was planned and delivered by staff and students in partnership. The afternoon event commenced at 13:00 with a joint welcome from the President of Imperial College, Professor Alice Gast, and Imperial College Union President, Tom Wheeler. Imperial staff and students shared examples of partnerships on programme design, assessment and feedback, and research. Our external presenters were leading expert Professor Mick Healey, author of the recent HEA publication Engagement through partnership: students as partners in learning and teaching in higher education (at Higher Education Academy) and Dr Tansy Jessop (at University of Winchester), a leader on the TESTA project (Transforming the Experience of Students Through Assessment). A panel session involving audience Q&A concluded the formal event and informal discussions continued during a reception.

Education Day March 2015

Welcome address

Keynote speaker

Examples from Imperial: student - staff partnerships

Transforming the Experience of Students Through Assessment (TESTA)

Panel discussion and Q&A

A form has been set up to share information about teaching strategies used at Imperial. If you would like to share information about a teaching strategy that you have used, that would enable another Imperial staff member to develop it for their context, please complete the online form.

Preceding the afternoon programme, morning 'break-in’ workshops took place in the Imperial College Union, and provided opportunity for more direct student-staff discussion on ways and means for working in partnership around programme design, assessment and feedback, and research.