
Postdoctoral staff are welcome to attend most of the workshops offered by the EDU, but certain sessions are designed specifically with postdocs in mind or are aimed at those relatively new to teaching


We recommend:

Introduction to Teaching for Learning

A one-day workshop for staff who are relatively new to teaching in higher education.

We recommend:

Introduction to Being an Assistant Supervisor

There is also an online version of this face-to-face workshop available via the Graduate School website.

You may wish to consider our practical guide workshops, which offer a series of topics, all designed to give you practical hints and tips for your teaching practice.

You could consider:

Supporting Learning and Teaching Pathway

SLTP has been designed to meet the needs of the significant number of College staff whose job involves supporting learners but who are not part of the full-time academic staff. The pathway is designed to increase participants' knowledge of learning and teaching issues relevant to their roles at Imperial.

SLTP is one of Imperial College’s Foundations in Teaching pathways and is accredited as part of the Imperial STAR Framework. Participants who complete this programme can apply to become an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (at Higher Education Academy). All work that participants undertake on SLTP is designed to contribute to their application.

If you are doing a significant amount of teaching, you could also consider:

Postgraduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching

Training in transferable skills for postdocs is provided by the PFDC

The Imperial College Supporting Teaching Accreditation and Recognition (STAR) Framework is designed to enable all those who teach and support student learning at Imperial College to:

The STAR Framework not only applies to academic staff, but also to the various other clinical teachers, support staff and graduate teaching assistants who are vital in teaching and supporting our students.