New lecturers

As a new lecturer at Imperial, you are normally required by College to complete three of our 'introduction to' workshops as part of the requirements of probation

New Lecturers

You may also be required to complete faculty specific training. The EDU is not directly involved with these probationary requirements so please see the links below for more information as well as details of the relevant contacts within your faculty.

The Unit provides a range of workshops designed to support and progress your teaching practice at the College. We also run a number of educational networks and events throughout the year that interested Imperial staff are welcome to attend.

For those staff interested in more in-depth study, the EDU runs a three-stage approach to teaching and learning in the University setting. The first stage is our PG Cert ULT, a practice-centred flexible course that develops participants as reflective practitioners and builds on introduction to... workshops and participants' previous experience. In some cases, the PG Cert ULT may be completed in place of your Faculty-based requirements. Please speak to your Faculty contact in the first instance and then contact us for more information on the programme itself.

The Imperial College Supporting Teaching Accreditation and Recognition (STAR) Framework is designed to enable all those who teach and support student learning at Imperial College to:

The STAR Framework not only applies to academic staff, but also to the various other clinical teachers, support staff and graduate teaching assistants who are vital in teaching and supporting our students.