Equal Opportunities Policy
Children and their families
The Early Years is committed to providing equal opportunities for all children regardless of their race, culture, religion, language or ability. Children of both sexes are positively encouraged to participate in all activities.
We positively welcome children and their families of all races, languages, beliefs and backgrounds and strive to provide all children with positive self-images and values and to help them feel included.
The Early Years Centre promotes positive recognition, understanding, knowledge and celebration of differences.
- Toys and equipment are chosen with the differing needs of the children in mind
- Displays will show and reflect a positive image towards the world in which we live
- Books are chosen to meet all the children’s ages and abilities and to reflect the many differing lifestyles in society
- Home corners will be changed regularly to show different cultures, races and the world around us
- We celebrate the various religious and cultural festivals throughout the year, which reflect the Early Years multi-cultural and multi faith community
- We positively encourage parents to enrich our knowledge of different cultures and religions by contributing to and participating in our celebrations
- We do not exclude children from cultural activities and celebrations
- We will ensure that the opportunities and activities in the learning environment are available to all children and their families.
We will, where possible, help children with disabilities to integrate into the Early Years and will support their learning - see our Special Needs and Disability policy.
It is the Early Years policy to positively value each person’s uniqueness, showing tolerance and respect to people regardless of their gender, ethnic origins/racial groups, religions, cultures and linguistic backgrounds. Members of staff are employed because of their knowledge, qualifications and expertise and because they are considered to be the best person for the job. Please read the college Equal opportunities policy in addition to this.
We will challenge attitudes and behaviours of staff, children or parents that do not promote equality and tolerance of our values in line with the Fundamental British Values including democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect of each other’s uniqueness and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs. This in line with the Department for Education guidance.