Instructions for nominations and seconders- Awards nomination system

Follow this link to the online nominations system.

Details of the President’s Awards for Excellence can be found here.

If you are using the system outside of College you must be connected via the Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Enter your usual College username and password.

To nominate:

  1. In the Home page of the system, click on the My Nominations link on the left, under Navigation.
  2. Click the blue “Raise a new nomination” button on the right.
  3. Select the specific category for which you wish to nominate from the list shown (i.e. Teaching, Supporting the Student Experience, Research Supervision)
  4. Read the Award Instructions, then enter the name of the nominee in the Nominee field - this links to the College address book, so you can either type the nominee’s full name in the box, or click the small arrow and search for the nominee. Click on the name of the correct nominee from the list that appears.
  5. The Proposer field will automatically show your details. If you are entering details on behalf of a proposer, please change as appropriate.
  6. The Seconder details should be completed as this is compulsory within the system. Please enter the name of a second member of staff who has agreed to second your nomination.
  7. Once the nominee, proposer and seconder fields are complete, you may save the nomination as you work through it using the “Save” button at the top of the screen. This allows you to log out of the system and return at a later point to complete the application. The saved nomination will appear under “My Nominations”; to continue the submission click the pencil symbol to the left of the entry.
  8. Complete all the mandatory fields (these are different for each award) – these are free text boxes with a character limit (up to 300 words max recommended). If you have any further comments, add these in the Nominator Comments box.
  9. Please save your work regularly and use plain text if copy-pasting into the boxes. If you wish to delete content, use the ‘delete’ key on your keyboard, NOT backspace.
  10. Once all fields are complete, click “Next” at the top of the page to progress to the attachments page (some award categories do not allow attachments – for these you will progress straight to the final summary and submission page).
  11. If you wish to upload documents to support the nomination, click “Add attachment” in the Nomination Attachment section and give the document a description, then Browse to find and select the relevant document. Click “Create” to attach the document to the nomination. Repeat for each attachment you wish to include.
  12. Click “Next” at the top of the page, review the nomination summary, then click “Submit Proposal”. Your nomination is now proposed and needs to be endorsed by the second member of staff. An email will automatically be sent to the Seconder instructing them to access the system to second the nomination. No further changes can be made to the nomination at this point. The nomination should be marked in the Status field within the nomination form and on the ‘My Nominations’ dashboard as “Proposed (Awaiting Seconder)”.

If you are completing the nomination form on behalf of someone else, the nomination will be marked in the Status field as “Submitted (Awaiting Proposer)”. Once you have submitted the proposal, the named proposer will automatically receive an email asking them to log into the system to confirm the submission by opening the nomination, reviewing the content, and clicking “Propose” before the seconder accesses the system. In this scenario, edits can also be made and saved by the original inputter or named proposer if required to update the nomination until the final “Propose” button is clicked as previously described to change the status to “Proposed (Awaiting Seconder)”. Then, as above, no further changes can be made.

To second:

  1. The seconder should log in to the online nominations system and click the ‘My Nominations’ link on the left of the home page. All nominations that the seconder is involved in (as inputter/proposer/seconder) will appear on this dashboard. Each nomination entry on the dashboard will include the names of the inputter, proposer and seconder and the current status of that nomination.
  2. The seconder should click the pencil next to any nomination with the status “Proposed (Awaiting Seconder)” for which they are the named seconder to review the nomination. The seconder should then click “Second” (top right of screen) if they approve of the nomination.
  3. The nomination is now complete and will be marked in the Status field as “Seconded (Ready For Review)”.
  4. The system will notify seconders (and proposers if the nomination is completed by another on their behalf) via email once the nomination is submitted and requiring their action. As this is the first year of this feature, please also notify them directly to ensure they are aware.