Nominations for 2023 are now open and will close on Wednesady 15 March 2023

Click here to take you to the online nomination system.  (Please ensure that zscaler is enabled on your device. If you don't have zscaler on your device, you can download it from the Unified Access webpage.)

Detailed instructions on how to make a nomination can be found here.

For further information on the awards please contact Suzanne Christopher, Head of Employee Engagement.


Who can make a nomination?

Nominations can be made by staff and students from all areas of the College.

Who selects the winners?

The awards are decided by a selection panel, representing both support services and academic staff.

Can I nominate someone who has already won a President's Award?

Previous winners may not be re-nominated for the same category of award until at least three years have passed since their previous success (i.e. winners of 2020, 2021 and 2022 cannot be re-nominated for the same award in 2023).


  • Staff in any role across the College are eligible
  • Nominations can be made by any Imperial staff member
  • Self-nomination is not permitted for these awards

For general information about writing a nomination, please read the general guidance for writing a nomination.

For detailed information about making a nomination in the Leadership category, please read the leadership award guidelines.

For detailed information about making a nomination in the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion category, please read the equality, diversity and inclusion award guidelines.

For detailed information about making a nomination in the Collegiality category, please read the collegiality award guidelines