External support
There are numerous external organisations offering advice and support to Carers, a few of which are mentioned below. You may also wish to explore further services, which may be offered in the locality of where you live:
- Visit your Local Authority webpage
- Public Coronavirus resources from the British Psychological Society
- Carers trust
- Carers Network
- Age UK
- Carewatch – providing high quality, personalised care services for vulnerable people who want to live at home or independently
- Independent age – advice and support for older people on low incomes
- Revitalise – respite holidays/breaks for disabled people and their carers
- NHS choices - Carers online learning programme
- DirectGov - for claiming Carers Allowances
- Carers federation - supports carers and the people for whom they care
- Care quality commission - independent regulator or health and social care in England
- Counsel and care - working with older people, their families and carers to provide care and support
- Crossroads - charity providing support for carers
- Elderly accommodation counsel - for first stop care advice
- This is money - a guide to paying for care
- Working families- helping parents and carers achieve a work life balance