Imperial College London, through Professor Deeph Chana Co-Director of the ISST, is a partner in the Security, Privacy, Identity, and Trust Engagement NetworkPlus (SPRITE+).
SPRITE+ brings together people involved in research, practice, and policy relevant with a focus on digital contexts. The programme is funded until 31 August 2023 by the EPSRC as part of its Digital Economy programme (grant reference EP/S035869/1).
The programme has three main goals:
Goal 1: Build and develop the research community
Research in digital security, privacy, identity, and trust has tended to be dominated by engineering disciplines. SPRITE+ activities will also draw in researchers in humanities, behavioural and social sciences, and from other areas of ‘security science’. Our access fund and support for early career researchers fosters inclusive participation. We act as a ‘network of networks’, developing productive and mutually supportive relationships with cognate networks and organisations.
Goal 2: Engage stakeholder communities
SPRITE+ creates opportunities for industry, university, government, law enforcement, and third sector partners to engage constructively with the broad research community. Our aim is to build a collaborative community of researchers and stakeholders, together tackling the most important and complex challenges to security, privacy, identity and trust in the future Digital Economy.
Goal 3: Draw up roadmaps for research
Working with academic and non-academic partners, we identify broad Challenge Themes (CTs) related to current and future problems. We will fund activities that explore and test new ideas related to the CTs, and that create new collaborations between academic disciplines, and between academic and non-academic partners. The outputs will be research roadmaps to address these CTs, articulating the current ‘state of the art’ and highlighting priority gaps in knowledge. SPRITE+ activities will thus shape the direction of research and investment within and beyond its funding.
Network Partners
SPRITE+ is led by a consortium of five universities: University of Manchester, Imperial College London Lancaster University, Queen’s University Belfast, and University of Southampton.
Our activities are delivered in partnership with eleven Project Partners from industry, police, government, and civil society: BT, Nasdaq, Arm, Titan IC, Tiani Spirit, National Grid, LORCA, the Open Data Institute, Hanyang University, Greater Manchester Police, and the Office of HM Chief Scientific Advisor for National Security. Together our Project Partners have so far pledged over £1.7M of in-kind support for hosting internships and attachments, event hosting and organisation, and access to expertise, equipment, and data.
Find out more
Visit the SPRITE+ website for further information on the programme and how you can get involved.
For more information on Imperial College London's involvement, please contact securityscience@imperial.ac.uk