Institute Staff
Directors and Operations
Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng
Professor Ochieng is the Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Chair in Positioning and Navigation Systems at Imperial College London.
Jane Lac
Jane has overall responsibility for the operational and financial management of the Institute. She is responsible for financial planning, the implementation of the Institute’s strategy against its mission, the development of its education portfolio, and leads on the Security and Resilience MSc as Co-Director.
Zarine Khurshid
Zarine has been with the ISST since 2019 and has been instrumental in establishing the Innovation Ecosystem, a triple helix collective of industry, government, and academic partners. Zarine joined Imperial in 2012 and has extensive experience in staff development, research grants management and strategic projects.
Eva Konstantara
Eva joined the ISST as the Institute Coordinator in March 2023, supporting the core team from an operational standpoint across education, research, and innovation. She has a wealth of experience, working in a specialist NHS Trust during the COVID-19 pandemic and graduating with a BSc in Forensic Science from the University of West London in 2019.
Catriona Noble
Catriona is the MSc Coordinator for the MSc Security and Resilience: Science & Technology course, providing support for students whilst ensuring the smooth planning and delivery of the programme. She joined the ISST in 2022 and has worked in University administration since 2017.
Max Swinscow-Hall
Max has responsibility for communications, engagement and internal networks at the Institute. His work builds the internal connections and ensures Imperial’s capabilities in security, resilience and defence are effectively communicated to external stakeholders. Max has personal interests in technology and innovation and experience of the R&D and commercialization process.
Jack Cooper
Jack leads on communications and events, working with industry, government, and academic partners to promote the work of the Institute and its joint ventures. One such venture is The Zero Pressure Podcast, hosted by Helen Sharman. He joined the ISST in 2021, having spent several years in biomedical research.
Furrah Hussain
Furrah joined the Research Institute in Trustworthy Inter-connected Cyber-Physical Systems (RITICS) hosted within the ISST in August 2021. She formed part of the first cohort of the ISST's MSc programme in Security & Resilience, graduating in 2020.
Anna Friman
Personal details
Anna Friman Research Assistant in Security and Societal Resilience PolicyBiography
Anna supports the development of a new centre for thought leadership in Societal Resilience at Imperial. Prior to working at ISST, she graduated with a MSc in Political Science, International Security and War Studies from the Swedish Defense University and has a background working within security and defence.
Senior Security Science Fellow
Professor Deeph Chana
Professor Deeph Chana is Managing Director for NATO's Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic's (DIANA) and prior co-director of the Institute for Security Science and Technology.
Security Science Fellows
Professor PJ Beaghton
PJ is a Professor of Practice in Computing and Security Science Fellow at the Institute. His work at ISST focuses on security of financial systems (FinSec). He previously managed a global statistical arbitrage hedge fund for 12 years and before that was a Managing Director and senior quant trader at Salomon Brothers.
Dr Saira Ghafur
Saira is the Digital Health Lead at the Institute of Global Health Innovation, Security Science Fellow at ISST, and honorary consultant in respiratory medicine at St Mary’s Hospital. Saira has spearheaded Imperial College London's collaboration for healthcare cybersecurity.
Dr Hamed Haddadi
Hamed is a Reader in Human-Centred Systems at the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. His research interests are in User-Centred Systems, IoT, Applied Machine Learning, Privacy, and Human-Data Interaction. He is part of Imperial-X (I-X) where he leads the Privacy and Security Research Area. He is an Academic Fellow of the Data Science Institute and an Associate member of the Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research.
Professor Christopher Hankin
Chris is a Security Science Fellow of the Institute for Security Science and Technology, where he was Co-Director until 2019. He was Deputy Principal of the Faculty of Engineering from September 2006 until October 2008. His research is in cyber security, data analytics and semantics-based program analysis.
Dr John Hassard
John is Reader in Physics and Security Science Fellow at the Institute. His research interests are varied with particular interest in heavy quark decays. John has started companies in a range of areas, including renewable energy, air pollution analysis and biotechnology.
Professor Emil Lupu
Emil leads the Academic Centre of Excellence in Cyber Security Research at Imperial College London and is the Deputy Director of the PETRAS IoT Security Research Hub. He serves a Security Science Fellow with the Institute for Security Science and Technology, and heads the Resilient Information Systems Security Group.
Professor Julie McCann
Personal details
Professor Julie McCann Professor of Computer Systems and Vice Dean for Research in the Faculty of EngineeringBiography
Julie A. McCann is a Professor in Computer Systems with Imperial College London and is currently Vice Dean Research in the Faculty of Engineering. She leads the Adaptive Emergent Systems Engineering Research (AESE) research group who examine cyber-physical interaction to design better sensor-based systems. She is Deputy Director of PETRAS IoT Cybersecurity Hub, Critical Ecosystems Lead for the Alan Turing Institute, Imperial PI on the EPSRC programme grant Science for Sensor Systems Software and heads up the CHEDDAR Communications Hub.
Dr Robbie Murray
Robbie is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Photonics in the Physics Department, developing next-generation mid-infrared light sources for applications across healthcare and security. His work spans nonlinear optics, laser physics, ambient mass spectrometry, and the physics and chemistry behind ultrafast laser-tissue interactions. His full publication list is on Google Scholar , and he can be found on Twitter and LinkedIn .
Dr William G Proud
Bill is Reader in Shock Physics at the Department of Physics, and a Security Science Fellow at the Institute. His main research interest is into high strain rate properties of a wide range of materials, both inert and energetic. Bill is the academic course director for the MSc Security and Resilience course.
Other staff
Visiting and Honorary Fellows
Visiting Professor |
Honorary Principal Research Fellow |
Honorary Principal Research Fellow |
Honorary Senior Research Fellow |
Dr Mark Lavelle Honorary Senior Research Fellow |
Distinguished Research Fellow |
Sir Keith O'Nions |
Distinguished Research Fellow |
Honorary Principal Research Fellow |
Dr Margaret Wilson
Honorary Principal Research Fellow |
Dr Joe Watson Honorary Principal Research Fellow |
Research Associate |
Honorary Principal Research Fellow |
Distinguished Research Fellow |
Visiting Professor |